
have you seen ones like this?

so you're a stalker...??

It was my senior year of college and my housemates and I had just moved into our house off campus and one of them had brought “brownies” as a beginning of the year celebration. I didn’t know they were brownies and after dinner we all ate one. I did not know they were “brownies” but rather just thought one of their

Try less...

Yes, but the organisms like whales, lions and other organisms do not volunteer. Theres no comparison between volunteering and not doing so.

Fair enough, but you do realize that many of the body systems we have are also shared with other organisms? People would rather study another organism than a human- because keeping a human captive for science is more morally opposable than keeping an organism like a whale, lion or another organism captive (ethics a

They exist for a reason- other organisms consume them. You eradicate mosquitos then you eradicate many other species.

You obviously have never done any science in the field of biology. We still don't know a lot about animals as a whole. Yes, we understand how their bodies work but that is always being updated and there are many more species yet to be found. Also what we do to one species affects all the others in its ecosystem.


*the more you know* no wonder I couldn’t do one, my hair is too short as a guy

Wait, you put your hair in it?

It is wizardry along with when you (girls/women) put your hair into a turban-like thing on your head with a towel after a shower.

THIS, a thousand times this. Race boats and boats like these sound like hell it’s self is coming to get you.

This, this is why motorcyclists cannot have nice things.

*hangry, you’re hangry. Anger due to being hungry is called being hangry. But agreed, this is a giant tease

as I was taught in school “wikipedia is not a reliable source”

Can you read his speedo? or were you with them? Don’t think so. And everyone hits their brakes when they see a cop no matter what speed they’re going, its just something people do. Its a small engine in a street bike- they don’t develop a ton of power down low, so they have to be rev’d out.

Neither were speeding, the guy with the camera rides a lower cc motorcycle so it sounds like they are moving fast but actually aren’t. Ever drive a car with a small engine?

sorry for basing your skull in with my fist because you are an ass

Only he wasn’t speeding recklessly though and choosing to wear gear or not shouldn’t matter to anyone but the rider. That makes you the asshole here.