
I've been reading your MMO logs, and I can't help but feel like you've changed your opinion since you sent this email to me. TOLD YOU SO, BITCH

I've been reading your MMO logs, and I can't help but feel like you've changed your opinion since you sent this email to me. TOLD YOU SO, BITCH

i definitely asked for this.

lol. uncontrollable laughter from my cube. well played troy.

oh man thats perfect.

you had me at Shining Force, then made me weep for the joy of Valkyria Chronicles 3. say its so



great titles for sure! i guess i just want that old "holly amazeballs, wtf am i playing, i can't believe how awesome this is" feeling back lol.

maybe its just my disappointment in the Wii and Wii-U but can we say that all things mario have finally "jumped the shark". It's a nice touch and all, but having grown up with the little plumber they absolutely need something new. I get it. He's a cultural icon, the face of a franchise, and i can't think of another

holding out for hardcopy hehe. pdf just doesnt have the same feel.

Wow man you just reaped the whirlwind. I admit i was a tad irked by your comment. But, you already admitted to being an outsider of the series you don't have strong ties to so i'll give you a pass.

though vita did have an exclusive. :) hopefully it can carry that momentum.

Slow clap to the max on that. well done!

a place called the crofoot in pontiac, michigan. good times!

full premium open bar (with shots), catered dinner, photographer, reception in an amazing concert hall, 56 dollars a person. My wedding is apparently the wedding stick my friends measure other weddings by. they got completely robbed.


Playing devils advocate here, but why? i thought the game wrapped up quite well.

if this scene is set in the distant future and Tidus and Yuna have a kid named Jecht Auron I'm gonna break my TV.

wow i had a 3DO some of those games were just amazing at the time.