
i didn't even think about the dev costs! I've been sticking to steam with the indie games, but i really do hope we come a bit full circle with massive choices on 3rd part games. good poost iglo

This makes my excited to the max. All i have to do is think about the MASSIVE amount of 3rd party games we had during the PS1 years. Honestly think about it. There was a game for damn near any weird story/quirk you could think of. Tons of hidden gems. Truck loads of games being released each week. And the kicker? No

you get all my feels for this article. :)


thanks for the spit take :)

FINALLY! looks great!

ahhh well, mines an old BC fat that i tossed a 500g HD in. if it bricks im super SOL

same here, 500gig HD as well :D just DL'ed the last of us and that puts me at 450G used. (72 games on the system) woot woot.

I updated mine last night, worked fine. Though now i don't want to turn the damn thing back on lol.

we need a ginsu gif stat

never heard of this game until today. I like the idea. Though the vita advertisement at the end is a bit misleading :)

yeah total brain relapse. i apologized once already :)

yeah total brain collapse mode on both accounts of developer and skittish. fail.

i dig it. While i have been skid-dish on adding tablet to the experience, this is a step in the right direction. If you're going to add a second screen for added game play, try and make it as rewarding as the main title itself if you can. good job activision. I could see conning my wife into this.

hey man, i know it hurts right now. i know. As primarily a PlayStation player i feel your pain. A few years back, if you can remember, this system called the PS3 came out. It was pronounced DoA and was mocked consistently for its high price, and vague outline of what it was outside of a blue ray player. It took almost

i played it for about 8 months. Loved it. Has content to suit whatever playstyle you enjoy. The reason i had to put it down was the birth of my son :)(Hooray!)

This! the no new metroid had me puzzled as well. Really?

almost did a spit take. thanks for the laugh.
*throws post it pad*

honestly man, last gen sony was trolled pretty hard. MS brought this on themselves. its barely been an hour since sonys press conference. did we only have a 10 minute laugh window? When was the last time you saw a company get trolled this hard by a competitor. sheesh.