
I’ve driven enough stuff without power steering (either not equipped or broken) to know that I like power steering. As far as feel goes, I do prefer hydraulic to electronic though. There’s no resistance at any point in the turning circle with electronic. Plus when that fails there’s no warning, you go from fully


The winning bidder’s gonna need some rossa-colored glasses, ’cause this project looks like a real Testa of one’s patience and skill.

No rioting or looting. They all had to go to work, so their tax money could be spent on Planned Parenthood and other worthy social programs. And of course mortgages and car notes need to be paid. These protesters are the exact reason why middle America gave Hillary the finger.

You’re crazy, Emma. How could you not like a uniform that has a silly looking snake holding a ball in its mouth? It’s so bad that it’s great!

People bring up Bill Clinton’s past transgressions all the time, actually. It’s kind of expected in any sort of article about Bill Clinton. If I don’t see it, well...fine, I guess, but I don’t get bent out of shape when it pops up precisely because it’s not relevant and therefore easily ignored.

Okay I stand corrected. I can tell by your response you are definitely not a liberal. If you were a liberal you would have totally went off on me and called me every single name in the book

He is without a doubt racist, sexist no, racist without a doubt.

If that’s the case, what is the comment section for, expressing feelings of people other than myself?

Does Jalopnik know anything about politics? No? Then why is Jalopnik writing about politics and not cars?

I’ve really had it up to hear with the political crap here lately, especially the opening sentence. You guys need to chill out and get in touch. I’ll be back in a few weeks when you guys hopefully give it a rest.

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.

You’re missing the bigger crime.

This ^ is how a headline is supposed to work.

I agree. It sounds like a bunch of carp to me.

He makes much more money with panic and despair clickbait. People don’t want to read positive shit!

There’s an old joke on Capitol Hill:

I will be the one that supports that you have a right to your own views.

I don’t agree with them, but everyone has a right to that, it’s the point of the whole thing. It’s also naive and stupid to assume that everyone that voted for a candidate that people don’t like is a moron.

Example; as far back as I can

Make one accurate remark regarding naivety and all these internet tough guys come out the woodwork to talk shit. Best part is all the ignorant assumptions and remarks they’re making about you, while mentioning bigotry in the same sentence - ahh, ignorance, what a most unbeautiful thing all sides are plagued with.

Remember this is STILL a Gawker company site in everything but name now. Expect rancid support of liberalism despite the facts. You cant feed these people facts they are hand fed on lies since birth.