Something like that. Haha
Something like that. Haha
Why am I greyed out?
I actually prefer the 430 Scuderia but the 458 is an excellent vehicle.
Thank you for the reply. I’m older so not nearly as up to date on the newest technology or trends.
Honest question, is it common for individuals to have nude photos of their spouse/significant other on their phones?
Haha. You’re a good sport.
That’s true.
Haha. True.
Great article, Justin. Really was funny (I’m being serious in case someone things I’m “trolling”).
Hey. Guess who also was against holding hearings for a supreme court justice during an election year while he was in congress.
1. Where am I raging?
Wait. What? You’re saying that the weight of your vehicle dictates the width of your tires?
Ok. Right. So, when a small group of right wing people do something it’s reflective of the whole party but if demos do something then it’s just a few bad apples and not reflective of the whole party.
No, the Mexican army remark was clearly a joke. Hoping my property gets burned was definitely not a joke, that was just you saying stupid things because you’re angry.
So, you don’t consider the sentence, “I hope your private property is next.” a threat?