@AngryBeaver: Yeah because everyone i know that can afford a house like this would just drive over to Trader Joes in a Subaru Outback to get some frozen dinners.
@meow-mixer: I use Limera1n and it takes less than 3 minutes
@gemcosta: I tried it on my iPhone 4 and bootlace doesn't work
I finally understand why hulu doesn't allow any content to be streamed from anything but a computer. I always thought that they were just idiots, but now i realize that hulu has some pretty cool guys behind their revenue department.
@Ronaldo: This is trying help all Americans become greener. And what are Americans the best at doing? nothing.
Who cares about the review, i just want that camera!
It doesn't work at all on my iPhone 4 here in Albuquerque, NM, did i seriously waste three dollars for this?
@JLRP1285: Haha it's true, but i'm going to see how far i can take it :)
Seeing April fool's day just made my mind explode with all of the stupid things that guys did to their girlfriends in an attempt to make them laugh :)
@Br3akw3y: yes but i can guarantee that you and your "loved ones" can live their whole lives without any type of conversation found in 120 characters of text. Think about it, do ANY of your conversations with people in text really have any use?
@JLRP1285: all they do is uselessly text each other about nothing, i don't think a parent needs to give their child that pleasure by paying at least $20 a month so that their child can constantly know what their best friend is doing. It's a waste of time and money in my book.
@Francis Gocinski III: I dislike this :( Cydia is slow and stupid
I now own a jailbroken phone, and i must say, Cydia is just awful, it's slow and complicated, but the apps it has are pretty awesome
@EvilDroidClone: I would promote this if i could
I want your camera
@Wafflemao: On the left, ironed suit. Bad guys always dress nicer than good guys, it's a commonly known law of evil, just look at Constantine.
Yes but twitter and Facebook alike have hair only on their arms