@ilovexspin: See what i wonder is what the hell is that school expecting to accomplish with such a useless investment? The school obviously has no idea how to educate a child if they are letting a flat screen tell them how to live. So the life of a modern kindergartener is: "8:30-3:30, go to school and stare at an

@rivercat: yeah MarcusMaximus is correct

So they'll just plug this into a normal outlet, so that to rob it and turn off the camera you just unplug it? that's a smart idea

You really should have invested in a laser engraved case like me ;)

What a wiener

Wow, you sound like Artie from glee, you should try going into singing ;)

@Scenick: haha, i really wish i could have an iPhone that double-booted with android, because i've always wanted to try it, i guess getting a tablet with no monthly fee is as good as it's going to get

@Scenick: Is it weird that you just described exactly what i have in my pockets right now? My iPhone is in my front-right pocket, my keys are in my front-left pocket, and my wallet in my back-right pocket...

in #43, you forgot to mention that the Titanic is sinking underneath King Kong

In #55, what the hell is King Kong holding in his hand? Is that a Submarine or an Airship?

You folks at Gizmodo must have a loooot of apps on your phones, eh?

But (by the resolution of the screen shots) no new hardware with a better display :(

Truly talented, he was

i'm an iPhone user and i'm a vegetarian, i'm even MORE iPhone than everyone else

why do people like this iTunes cloud ida so much?

Dr. Doofenshmirtz?

you forgot about the Guillotine


the reason i would prefer an android tablet is because i have an iPhone 4 and i would like an android experience without having to pay for two phone networks