Jay Z's facial expression: THE BEST THING EVER.
Jay Z's facial expression: THE BEST THING EVER.
How about one normal nipple and one that's winking?
Rachel, look! It's your knight in shining arm—-
I love John Oliver.
I hate clowns!
That was truly touching. I don't know what else there is to say
I love Russell Brand. He has a sweetness I find very attractive.
One has nested for the last year. The younger one is still clinging on for dear life. "Can you do this? Where is this? Can I have a drive here? Whatca doing? Have you seen this? Did you hear this?" SHUSH ALREADY LORD DINGLEBALLS IS ABOUT TO TELL LADY BIGTITS THAT HE LOVES HER.
But where will they find someone to hit a baby with a Champagne bottle and push it out to sea? Seems a little much.
So long as his victims had a say in this—perfect.
Unfortunately the quotation on the note is uttered by a character who is a crass materialist and actually doesn't like to read at all. Oh, the irony.
God I can't wait for his next Bugle episode on this.
Just listen to the Bugle podcast. It will fill all of your (audio) John Oliver needs.
I have to say, that Oliver has been killing it On the Daily show. I've loved every minute that he has been taking of for Stewart.
Do not deny yourself the unfiltered glory that will be The Bugle podcast's coverage of this event. For non-Buglers, The Bugle is Jon Oliver and his comedic partner Andy Zaltsmann take on world news—Daily Show-ish, but much much funnier. It is usually released on Friday evening or Saturday morning.
"You are not separate from our society, you are part of our society, and you must play a responsible role in it and you must help us in our attempt to stifle free speech, to ban certain thoughts, and make this police state stronger!"