
In order to sexualize women, they’d have to actually include them. Say what you will about DC, but it didn’t take 17 movies for them to say, “You know what maybe we’ll make one with a female lead.”

Travel times being what they are this season, she could have already circumnavigated the globe and be back in Westeros in time for Clegane Bowl.  

To me it says the money is more important than the fans who fell in love with you for your work

Maybe we consumers need to take a stand and boycott products made by scabs.

I’m hoping he breaks the suit entirely and has to accomplish the third act without Spider-drones or web-shooters. Just Spider-skills.

Evan missed a golden opportunity for the review title of this erection filled episode:

It’s Starz. Have you not seen Spartacus? Dicks, Dicks Everywhere!

Please. I have two erections during prime time shows every night!

I take it you never watched Spartacus on Starz. I think there was dong and muti-sexualty practically every episode of that.

Are raging boners really equivalent to some pubic hair, though?

Can we count it as three? The dick pic twice and Bilquis’ first tribute floating through the Vaginebula?

Oh, and this Jughead isn’t asexual. At least, not yet, but his actor hopes to make it happen.

Dont watch media which erases queer characters. I wont be watching Riverdale for this reason, and this reason only. Fuck all media which continues to pretend that ace people dont exist. For that matter, fuck all media which

I like that other folks are making the Bendis\Moffat comparison, especially the way their respective shine has worn off over the years.

I don’t hate Bendis, he has written some great yarns over the years.

I’ve actually really enjoyed a lot of Bendis’ writing over the years and don’t think he deserves most of the hate he gets on the internet. But for the past few years (maybe since Age of Ultron or just before it?) he just seems to be out of ideas. Re-iterating themes and story/character arcs that have been done before

I loved the movie when it came out but then I read the book and it was frustrating that there were so many inconsistencies, especially the religious cult.

Are you me? I read this post and I thought “Did I write this a year ago and forget it?” where you at SF in SF when I asked Gould about the movie? Did you hear him say that the movie rights gave him and his brilliant writer wife the opportunity to keep writing?

I didn’t know the original story but Samuel L Jackson and his anti-jumper cult were what ruined the movie for me. Would’ve been great if it’d just been about the kid discovering his abilities. I think it’d make a better television show than a movie though, so you could slowly build it up.

Could not have said it better myself. I hope this series does a better job of adapting the third book than the movie did for the first book. Interesting that they are jumping (pun not intended) right over Reflex, the second book.

How superficial. The real way to tell the good ones is whether they have maps in them.