
No mention of two, count ‘em two erections in a prime-time cable show, neither one hidden or obstructed by crossed legs, strategic house plants or carefully cropped screens?

I think that’s a big part of it. She doesn’t have an iconic origin, or a clearly defined mission that sets her apart. Plus Marvel has not treated her well at all. When she was getting some traction and her own growing fan club, Marvel announced her movie and then proceeded to make her the bad guy in their books for

I really, really hope that if he does get offered a new Stark suit that he turns it down. I don’t want a Stark-supported Spider-Man. He’s better when he stands on his own.

“ and there are a lot of things missing from it. Mostly, it seems like a lot of detail about the beginning and then some very vague generalities.”

I’m a little less concerned with this guy’s crappy bow invention and more that Trump is quietly filling every office in the government with, essentially, the American equivalent of Russia’s “political officers.”

I’m pretty sure they’re pushing the “Winter White House” name so hard only because calling it the Winter Palace was too on the nose.

Part of it, I think, is that they’ve gotten locked into the huge blockbuster trap.

It is the Archie character names and vague descriptions (red-headed guy, blonde girl, etc) pasted over a generic overwrought CW teen hot romance show.

Puddy and Brock are all well and good by why has no one praised the best Tick we’ll ever have?

There were two new short stories from the Dresden universe published in anthologies in November, but that’s been it for awhile.

I will accept this ONLY if, when the Bruce Banner hulk inevitably returns, he beats the living crap out of the new guy.

I loved the first season and a lot of the second, but I can only watch so many episodes that end in some variation of:

I’d disagree. Bendis’ “Alias” and his Daredevil run were both excellent, and I still enjoyed his “Ultimate Spider-Man” — both Peter and Miles — until he got too busy to pay attention and Miles kinda faded.


I don’t do crossover books, not for years. The megaevents and reboots and not-really-reboots and what-have-you, they don’t seem to be pushing any of the characters forward, just sideways. Or they make changes that ignore character histories or personal arcs for the the sake of the larger story. No, thanks.

Adding another vote for Sunstone. He finished up the major story arc and it’s just amazing to read, amazing to look at.

I haven’t been as interested in Ms. Marvel the later part of this year, lately because of the CW tie-ins and the worry that she’s getting overextended. Still a favorite book, though.

I’m pretty sure 2017 will be worse, personally.

Any word on “Wastelanders”?

What technological advance or discovery, in your opinion, has been underestimated or overlooked? What did you think would be huge that hasn’t been so far?