
I liked that they didn’t make her accusations salacious, not even a little. There was no description of any act that could be titillating to any of the audience, even the pro-rape idiots, nothing he could excuse or downplay or minimize or explain. She just confronted him, reminded him of his culpability and betrayal,

Dammit, I just spent a week in New Orleans for our anniversary and it was amazing and we loved it and EDWARDS YOU ARE RUINING IT FOR ME.

Oh, no, no, he ABSOLUTELY must do this. (grabs popcorn)

Or Obama’s mere existence helped reveal how many people on the U.S. get enraged at the thought of a successful, intelligent black man with power over them. Spoiler: a lot.

Just watched it. Couple thoughts:

An a cappella playlist that does not include DaVinci’s Notebook is not an a cappella playlist I can respect.

I like Pentatonix. All of their work? No, but I don’t think there’s any artist whose work I 100% love. I can do without the Christmas stuff, and there are songs I dislike in the original that I continue to dislike in their remake. But when they’re on they’re on, and you can’t deny the talent. Watch YouTube videos

I guess this depends on what the definition of is is.

Not all misogynists are Republicans, it seems.

All of the unfunny crap was worth it if it meant this happened.

I have never actually thought that his views have hit rock bottom. He doesn’t have one. He will continue to say whatever occurs to him at the time without reason or context if he thinks it will appeal to his audience, and if challenged he is incapable of not taking it even further.

The news that Ted Cruz might have had affairs doesn't even crack the top ten reasons for me not to vot for him.

I’m adopted, but I’ve never had the slightest interest in tracking down my birth parents. I wouldn’t mind knowing my family’s medical history for my own information, but that's about it.

An indirect insult. The best ones look helpful or positive but carry a strong rebuke or attack underneath. “You look amazing! I’m so glad you could finally afford something nice!”

They’re terrified that any show at all of working with Obama will lose them votes from their hardliners. It’s a gamble, and the current GOP doesn’t have a reasonable response, just risk management.

John Oliver slammed this ad last weekend for speaking for all Americans and using stock footage. He then used the exact same stock footage — and more besides — to call them out on it. I love this man.

I really like Batman Begins. It’s got some problems — like Batman intentionally lettering a dude die — but I think it was a great change from the increasingly campy Batman movies that came before. Nice use of some Millar “Year One” influence.

There are conservatives who may not be happy with regulation of the free market, but they also don’t want idiots like this pushing it to such ridiculous extremes. But to many of them, the public backlash and these investigations are also part of the free market and how it regulates itself. The problem with the

I love the Archie revamp, absolutely love it. Might this be as good?

I’m sure glad they’re not wasting time working on all those jobs bills every single one of them campaigned on.