
Why would anyone expect the producers of a show built around Donald Trump to ever edit it to reduce its obnoxiousness? They were probably loving this because it made the show more topical.

A friend told me about working characters at Disney. He said the one you never want to be is Winnie the Pooh, because you have no arms (just flaps of cloth) so you're effectively defenseless and kids will headbutt you in the gut. That was a few decades back so I hope things have improved since then.

Does it install for you, or just download the installations and then you install each one? Some of the programs bundle in crapware and browser/search enginer hijacks I don't want, I want to make sure I'm not about to load myself up with all of it.

I like SwiftKey but it's not reliable on iOS. If I enter a tweet with it in Tweetbot on the iPad, it posts an empty tweet. Which some people may prefer, instead of what I usually post, but still.

Kindle and Stanza. I use my phone for reading more than all the other apps combined, including phone calls and messaging, and these two apps handle the vast bulk of my needs.

I didn't get teary till she asked if it was a boy or girl. Like, that little human question in the middle of the stress helped remind the sister-in-law (and me) that it was a wonderful occasion.

There is a dynamic many guys see growing up, which is this: the hot chicks in school always want the guy who treats them like dirt. This gets reinforced for those guys who become confidants of girls in those relationships, who hear all the stories of casual and intense abuse, who know in their hearts they'd be a

If 4chan's /b/ forum had a single face, that's pretty much what I thought it would look like.

Starring this for "martyrbation."

So here's the answer, and it's actually a pretty easy one: complaints against gamergate are not against you. This article is largely about the origin of gamergate and the extreme actions of some of its members. It's not about all gamers. The article even takes pains to say that the people doing the heinous actions are

The "why" is pretty clearly spelled out.

The summary of what the author was getting at is that there is a group of angry males who are frustrated and upset that part of their world might expand to welcome people who are not angry males — with a small subset of angry males who become insanely furious if a woman speaks up against angry males — and are

Let's try to get to the core of the matter: What you're saying is that games should be marketed to women, instead of being designed so blatantly for horny teen boys.

See, this is the sort of thing that keeps me from being 100% against capital punishment. I'm almost there, the potential for mistakes and innocent people being killed horrifies me, but then something like this comes up and I really can't see any valid reason for keeping this person on the earth.

Always, always ask. Or stand a respectful distance away, hold up your camera and smile inquisitively. I've shot cosplayers for years at multiple cons and never had a bad reaction to that question. Everyone I've ever asked has been pleased and flattered, and it gives them a chance to get into a pose. However, don't ask

Steps like this. Education, as you suggested. People standing up and saying knock it the hell off. Using the Internet to shame both rapists and those who enable them by letting it go or saying "boys will be boys." Changing social mores and cultural standards is a long, slow, mountain-moving process, but it's possible.

For some people, men are owed sex. For some people, anything they can do to get sex is permissible as long as it doesn't meet the "scuzzy guy in a trenchcoat dragging strangers behind bushes" image. For some people, guys are supposed to be aggressive and girls like it rough and girls like a guy who takes charge and

You've not met many people, then, I'm guessing. Anyone who starts any sentence with "how can anybody possibly be stupid enough..." is being dangerously naive, adorably disingenuous, or deliberately dismissive.

And when, exactly, is rape handled logically?

Anyone care to bet how many of the female FOX News commentators were in a sorority?