Apple let me set up 2-stage verification without a hassle. I suspect if you change your password or birthday, it'll make you wait a bit before allowing any other changes.
Apple let me set up 2-stage verification without a hassle. I suspect if you change your password or birthday, it'll make you wait a bit before allowing any other changes.
Terry Moore's Rachel Rising. Creepy as hell and funny, at the same time.
Dave Sim.
Take your canvas bags, take your canvas bags, take your canvas bags to the supermarket...
Can you block and report spam with a simple right-click option the way you could before Twitter bought it? Until that's available, I'm clinging on to the old version.
The first GL movie should never have left Earth. Show him as irresponsible but fearless, let him get the ring, let him teach himself to use it for fun, force him to learn to be a hero, have him (barely) defeat an Earth-threatening enemy he shouldn't have been able to. The very last scene of the movie should have been…
So if I keep my data usage under 2g, my family plan will be about the same amount. Interesting that that's how much I generally use, but the plan calculator they provide suggested I take the 10g plan.
So by your definitions we cannot ever talk about race at all, because that would be racist?
Since I — like Scalzi, a straight white male — am pretty sure he's right, not sure what about his essay makes him racist.
Maybe because you get an overexposed image of the backs of the heads in front of you and a too-dim image of what you're shooting at?
Sideloaded nicely on my Kindle Fire.
Independence Day.
The vast amount of any genre is crap. Sometimes, a genre writer's work gets noticed and magically elevated to "literature." Instead of wondering if a book counts as "chick lit," why not just say it's good chick lit?
What makes a book "chick lit," in your view?
One of our readers got a pic as it flew over his street in Edgewater, FL: []
What @dagamer34 said. If it doesn't integrate as well as Dropbox, or allow me to create a sync-it-and-forget it spot on my computer, it won't replace Dropbox.
Said it back when it was canceled, said it after "Serenity," saying it again: animated "Firefly." Easier to free up the actors for voice work — which most of them have done before — and animation means more effects for less money. Also puts more focus on the writing.
One of the possibilities of driving a car is wrecking. And yet I still wear a seat belt.
Works for me. Better than huge action set pieces peppered with inane dialogue.
Barton (Hawkeye).