Just change “White House” to “Gizmodo” and “trying to mute a call” to “trying to use spell check”.
Just change “White House” to “Gizmodo” and “trying to mute a call” to “trying to use spell check”.
He became President at noon. It’s 1233 EST as of this writing.
Vaping worked for me. 20 years and it is what finally did it.
How hard is it not to carry a battery in your pocket with loose change or keys that could dead short it.
“Seriously though, the vaping community is all about hacking theirs for “more power” so the odds of a battery blowing up in those seems significant enough to warrant a wariness.”
Best question to ask and not get in trouble for answering is, “would you rehire this person if you had a need?”
Also, freedom of speech? It doesn’t mean what people who like to cite it think it means.
This wouldn’t be economically feasible for any major roadways. The specific heat of water is so high, it would cost a fortune in electricity to melt the snow and ice away. This is also why that “why don’t we use flame throwers to melt away snow?” question is so silly. Chemistry is a bitch.
(Starts at 0:50)
Democrats suck...
I liked the topic of this article, but the flow seemed off. I’ll try to give some useful feedback (or maybe I’m just a jackass):
Not nearly as dumb as this:
Unit number 420, eh? Huh. Huhuhuh.
I love Kimi - he’s literally the only reason I even bother to follow F1.
Alanis, here is a YouTube version in case Sanders removes it.
if they exist they would surely be built to isolate the gassed from the storage areas.
I’ll agree with you on the risks of buying supplements from stores. However, there are excellent sources from herb growers and distributors where you can be certain of what you’re getting. (Growing herbs yourself is the best way of all — grow them to know them.) “It’s either doing nothing or it’s hurting you,”…
If you’re taking ‘herbal’ anything you’re a sucker. It’s either doing nothing, or it’s hurting you. Even if you think St. John’s Wort works, that bottle you bought has a very good chance of just being some random crap you’re buying at hugely inflated prices.
It reminds me of some of the really bizarre names for weed.
Only if you pay the Troll toll :)