
Original or not, he executes it perfectly and it is funny!

Seek professional help. You probably suffer from General anxiety disorder one of the symptoms being OCD. Easily treatable if mild. Cognitive behavior therapy combined with an anti depressant such as Lexipro can relieve you of those disruptive urges.

If you'll never touch the game, why bother reading the articles?

If you look down, you see that the security guard lands in the water and swims to safety. He doesn't die.

You mean like the numerous steps they've taken to do so like an automated leave/afk ban system, better responses to caustic behaviour in games, and forcing things like chat restrictions/priority queues for repeat offenders? No community is perfect, but I've been playing this for 4 years, it's SO much better than it

I never will understand why people are assholes to customer service/support. Your problem is literally not their fault. It has almost nothing to do with them outside of what little help/comfort they can give you.

This is exactly why I was getting mad at gamers during this whole DDoS attack against Sony and Microsoft. Yes, it sucked to not play games online for a couple days, but for crying out loud, it's such a first-world problem. We complained about "our holidays" being ruined or messed up, but we had no problem not thinking

the annoying thing is that this really isn't that hard. My company (a major web property) came under a massive DDOS earlier this year. We recovered in about 2.5 days, but that was because we were trying to fix it ourselves for 1.5 days. Once we contacted a DDOS protection service the attack was mitigated

Sort of, but not really. It's like saying a hospital's defibrillators use poor batteries and would possibly fail in case of an emergency. So in order to prove your point, you fry all the batteries. As a consequence, hundreds of people die the next day because the hospital had no functioning defibrillators.

I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.

Because you get 64 games a year with your PS+ sub, meanwhile with xbox you get like 6.

I'm sure I will get a lot of hate for this, however I will say this: This is a terribly horrible complaint. Either the weekly rotation was going to include or not include the new strike. If it did not include the new strike, people who bought the dlc were going to feel screwed. If it did include the new strike,

You should trade it in and grab a few English lessons.

So don't fucking play it then.

Have we reached the point where we have to justify our fun? It FUN that's why you keep playing the game!!! What is it you can't understand about it, stop the hate and recognize the fun.

Holy crap. This is an amazingly in depth review of the game compared to some of the other reviews of destiny I have seen.

As an iconic character of the series it's a huge disappointment that things like this become exclusives in any form, whether it's pre-order, DLC. Why not just charge extra for people to get SubZero, Scorpion, or Raiden while you're at it?

How to draw generic characters 101.