
Anyone else just pictures Tumblr feminists complaining about this one way or another?

This may shock you to find out but you are arguing with a spambot.

If by "an ad" you mean "a personal recommendation from someone who has played a ton of JRPGs and wants his readers to know when a really good one comes out on PC" then yes.

I mean why back up your article with investigative journalism when you can just snap an iPhone pic and type a few sentences.

Yes, let's bash Sony for doing the same thing MS used to do on a yearly basis. Strange that its only now that it should be toned down when the shoe is on the other foot.

he is. However Insomniac doesn't script in an awkward laugh scene that is supposed to be a serious plot point.

Can we talk for a second about how TIDUS IS THE FUCKING VOICE ACTOR FOR RATCHET?!

You should be happy for all gamers dude(playstation did have a kickass set tho as did Xbox) if you think putting people down on the game preference is what defines you as a gamer you should put down the controller. Also stop using caps makes you look silly.

Thats not what i meant you idiot. I meant how to they literally do this. Digital download that then becomes void when your friend isnt playing? Fuck...

Calm your fucking tits dude.

Chill out, take a deep breath. The guns do NOT have feelings of their own and you can NOT expect people to have and/or keep a running knowledge of these things just because you do.

Okay fucktard. I'm tired of being cordial with you.

Wtf are you going on about? Neither the gun in the art in the article nor the gun in the game perfectly match that gun you posted. Based on maybe, but not identical. You could say that about any gun in any video game. If anything it looks like a CheyTac. (I know plenty about guns too there cheif) With the big blue

Looks heavily styled after the Halo universe. This rifle is straight out of the games and their suits as well.

This is the way ownership ends. If the XBox One's draconian DRM policies had been allowed to take effect, stories like this wouldn't even be outliers.

id say "try harder" at being such a smug asswipe but you've got it in spades

Playing Rayman Legends on the wii u and playing Rayman Legends on anything else are two different experiences. just saying.

I quit reading your post 6 words in. Try harder random interweb person.

+1 +1 +1 at Sandrockcstm

Here's the thing: The information is already out there, regardless of whether or not Lifehacker spreads it or not. Pandora's box has been opened. You can't make people "un-know" this information, and the people that were doing this before will do it again. Putting the information here is an informative process, and