
I still love my name just because of the replies it incites. “You nasty shave DAT shit doe” “lmao did n word named butthairs” “mmmm...butthairs”

Tifa is looking meaty in all the wrong places

I may be a minority here but I enjoyed them immensely...I loved Andrew as spiderman and Dane as Green Goblin. Wish they were being continued, but excited to see what's in store for him in Marvel I guess.

Oh no doubt man. That was some amazing story telling!

Yeah and GTA didn't have anything to do, Last of Us was the worst game I've ever played, Skyrim had the most lackluster open world I've ever seen, Final Fantasy VII is overrated, etc etc

Am I the only one excited for this? Judging from the comments, looks like it.

I am excite for SM3DW & DK Tropical Freeze. The girlfriend loves these games.

I didn't keep up on it I just thought the name sounded familiar. Thanks for clarifying!

Okay? I don't use bitcoins, and I wasn't complaining, so...

Wasn't Asicminer one of the companies that were selling machines but had a huge backload of people waiting to get them? There were some accusations of the company using the bitcoin miners for themselves or something.

Wasn't the clearest since you can't really buy one at the moment...so more like they went home to wait for a ps4 to come in stock

To go buy their own?

Maybe in like 3 years

You didn't include the dildo Microsoft shoves inside you then charges a monthly fee to use, so it's not really apples to apples.

Articles like this make me lose faith in the Kotaku commenters. They are all so self entitled and judgmental. Makes me sad to be a gamer sometimes reading the comments on here....

I mean me personally, I don't like picking up a game for 2-3 minutes...if I am playing something then I want to actually sit down and play it.

Sorry, was unaware.

That could just be the day his ps3 synced up with the server. Sometimes I play offline for a few months and if you sync up after that long...well..