
I personally think it looks great. I'll probably pick it up...definitely not the quality of a $15 DL game.

More like...MOTHER OF MOD...

I liked Vaginas more <- Personal opinion

With that mentality it's easy to be overwhelmed by monthly bills. Also, why the hate? Scott never said you couldn't afford it, all he said is you have to pay them to get it free which is technically true.

Not comparable?

There just wasn't as much to do in D3, the story wasn't intricate, the classes bland, and the multiplayer aspect is what killed it for me. The D2 multiplayer chat rooms were exponentially better, and I made friends easily. In D3, I never made any friends, nor were there any just "chat rooms" to hang out and check out

Numbers for what? That the game didn't live up to the hype? Look at the outcry over the game, you don't need numbers when it's this apparent.

I know this is a late but I think this was the best reply. Kudos

You think that something apple related that does that won't be expensive?

I think it's awesome. Good job!

Ugh. Stopped at "overthebounds". Most overrated username of all time.

I thought it was mildly amusing...but im a minority apparently

I agree with you, but the upside is there are more opportunities to start flame wars? jk jk I have no idea

He never mentioned realism, and if you are trying to say COD is more realistic I guess I'm missing the point

I thought the video was awesome. Watched the older one you linked to also...thanks for sharing. Makes me want to go play some Battlefield!

It isn't right because of how they made the game so shotty. Not to mention this announcement is about 6 months too late

Is it worth playing Arkham City on the Wii U if I've already beat it on another console? Also merry christmas!

ohno a codec update...I've never needed one and I play blurays on mine but if that makes it crap then you must never be happy with anything.

It was popular, therefor its cool to hate.

The ending to your story was magnificent