
Haha I think thats what the devs were going for when they chose their name

Arma engine blows whatever engine this game uses out of the water.

Thank you for this

This man speaks truth. I played it and the devs lie hard

It isn't worth the money right now but if the devs implement half of what they plan it will be a decent game. They lie though, and its hard to trust them...there are so many hackers in the game too its just ridiculous.

I can't answer for him, but I couldn't get into skyrim even though I really wanted to (I see the appeal, I just need more linear I guess...I get sidetracked) and I love Uncharted series, Infamous, Mass Effect, Farcry, Rayman....but my all time favorites are probably Earthbound and Super Mario RPG.

This was amazing for the fact they included Ness

I think there are just too many now. They added too many too fast instead of focusing on more important things like battle changes or story.

I love TDR. I is not tool.

It was popular, therefor, it was a mess.

...and blue led case fans...yeah. GET IT RIGHT

If they had used a screen capture instead of a handheld video camera you'd be more impressed

Call of Duty is the most popular shooter because everyone is too much of a wuss to play actual Battlefield.

Let them pile up for a while then go through and like every single picture of their kids.

Thank you for that. I couldn't take the commentary anymore, but that picture was worth skipping the the 10 minute mark


I agree, I am pretty impressed with Riot.

I can't play this game anymore unless I am playing 3v3 with two of my friends. I only have two friends that play this game so we don't really go into 5v5's

This about sums up what I was thinking, great job!

Yeah I get what you are saying...and although I disagree that it feels totally different I do like the black ops 2 multiplayer!