
Actually yes. Would be rather interesting

I know most prefer MW1 but I haven't played it. Personally I loved the maps and killstreaks in MW2 and would still be playing that if the ps3 version wasn't ruined. BO2 is better in my opinion then MW3 though, but they both are just meh.

I'm surprised how many peoples heads this went over. I thought it was great

I would have preferred that

You're exaggerating. Steam is good, but not that good.

I game on both and have to say the deals are a lot better on console if you're looking for something that isn't digital. Some of us still like tangible items!

I'm glad to hear that! Haha ours was a mess. They somehow managed to not have the video game palette shipments in on time so everyone was all upset about it. Im glad to hear all stores weren't terrible at planning BF sales!

What store? Unless it was a reputable store with a good sale that doesn't mean much. I didn't see much of a line outside rite aid but that doesn't mean anything!

If they implemented servers I wouldn't complain for a whole year. The lag on a game this fast paced is just unnecessary!!

I was going to get aboard this train, then I took an arrow to the knee.

I dont care if its more of the same, I love Mario. It's one of the few games that are a ton of fun to play with the girlfriend. Between this and Rayman I'll be content with a Wii U

Something that creeps you out must be pretty horrible

You win

You're trying too hard

So the ipad 3 has one graphics, but the ipad 4 has two? What did the original ipad have? .25 of a graphics?

Slickdeals was all over this.

He is cheap to buy and played often. He isn't overly strong, just really annoying.

Cool story bro.

No you sound like an uptight ass.