
I am with you. Who cares? Don't see it then...I loved the new Spidey, hated the old one. It needed a reboot after the third one

Nah, I like Coke. It's more like Linux in the battle between Windows and Mac.

It still IS more realistic.

The thing that kept D2 interesting for me was the community. It wasn't just a group of text there were chat rooms where you could check out each others characters, and it wasn't all about gear so much as build. There were multiple ways to play different characters so it was actually fun to level up a sorceress two

Either way we are way off topic. All I meant to say was people are attached to achievement lists. I didn't say anything about psn but then you kind of attacked it which is why you got labeled.

Fanboy in denial, sounds like. If you weren't going fanboy I don't know what you were going because your point is pretty dumb. If by your logic Xbox live is indeed better, and psn sucks, then you should have just AGREED with my point that people would not want to leave the service and thereby their gamerscore.

I have to agree. Multiplayer is so fun on Halo and I loved the first story but good lord have they gotten horrible. Resistance 3 was a blast though!!

Way to go all fanboy. I wasn't insinuating ps3 is better, I was just saying the first thing that came to mind, and gamerscore is much bigger then trophy levels.

People precious gamerscores are too important to get them to leave the Xbox.

Well no shit. Obviously people weren't expecting a "d2 with shiny graphics" but when you come out with something that is part of a series it's expected to have a certain standard and expectations, especially when that game was as huge as diablo 2.

You can say that about anything. That reasoning doesn't work at all.

I personally love EVGA. I have a x58 mobo with their gtx 560ti. I built a few computers for friends with EVGA parts and no problems yet, knock on wood.

What does that have to do with sony?

If its hard for you to bash any large organization something may be wrong with you ;)

All that is available to me is dial up and 3g connection :( I feel your pain

Cool more dumb comments

I though MW2 was the best maps and killstreaks. get rid of OMA though

You mean get right into the "Migrating Host" screen? I see like 4 of those a game. -_-

Sometimes I feel like I am smart...but then videos like this come around. :(

That is awesome! Also, love the name.