
You're opinion is the minority.

You should probably only go see comedies, Onimyst means.

Never played it....but now I want to.

Where does Disgaea fall in that list? I loved the first one!

I was craving Wendy's, until I saw this. Thanks for saving me a few bucks

Those are different scenarios, and when BF3 said it was going to get back to karkand a week early there was a ton of fucks given.

Disgaea, Rayman, Uncharted. All awesome...but like others said same thing on consoles. Still would be nice to have rayman on a handheld!

Halo. It gets worse with every game!

I really dislike COD at the moment, but I don't want to see it die. I want to see it reinvented. I'm sure BO II won't be anything different...I always get pumped up for nothing!

I'd be happy with dedicated servers. Lag is a huge factor in this fast paced shooter

I dont know about anyone else, but Nintendo has been doing pretty good in my opinion the last few years. Sega...well that is the truth.

Like really? Like, I disagree.

I think you mean good angles ;)

I am beyond pumped for this!


I can't tell if these comments are serious...but...really?

Say whaaaaaaaa

You must have skipped Black Ops, eh?

There just isn't quality like this in television anymore.

So...you hate anime?