
Just watched it today. I loved it. I thought the whole Groundhog Day element would get on my nerves, but they managed to keep it going at pace that made the film feel really fleshed out, moving forward, and never dragging. Cruise's acting usually bugs me, but he was great in this. I haven't seen GoTG yet, so I can't

Despite being a work of fiction (albeit a rather well-researched one) From Hell (book, not movie) already gives a pretty good impression of who was really behind the killings. Plus it was way more fun/interesting.

Austin 3:16

The desert where the ship crashed is easy to traverse. Vast, barren, lonely. I find a horse. I don't know what to call him, will think about it. We ride until the desert's edge. Crossing a river now, a forest appears before us. Figures emerge from the trees. A sound. Then pain, once, twice, too many times to count.

You're right. Perhaps the author is using it literally. Either that or he is using it the way I described, and his logic is also flawed. I can't really say.

I think the author of the theory used the term Pyramid Head in a general sense to refer to a baddie archetype of (horror) games: the persistent, creepy, deadly and/or larger than the play character guy. These 'Pyramid Heads' usually have to be dispatched multiple times throughout the game, but don't end up being the

Liar, liar, particle accelerator on fire.

That sounds horrible.

Engine's dead. O2 levels falling. Godspe—-

Also, I think—if you aren't using it with the PS Camera—the PS4 has a USB port in the back. that something could plug into.

"Hmm...That's pretty good."

The cloaked figure shuffled past the neon colours and giggling tourists seated at the juice bar, and then descended the the escalator swiftly. He turned to see if anyone had followed him or noticed him. He was just a few yards away from his target now. Things were going smoothly.
Suddenly the moving stairs beneath him

He doesn't. The guy with the eye patch and the guy without the eye patch are two different people.

How's winter been? Shitty here. I'd be hard-pressed to say weather wasn't a deciding factor in the happiness index.

QC or NL?

Yup, Nova Scotia is just about as mediocre as this chart suggests.

Those jetpack belt things are a couple of grappling hooks shy of another famous franchise about Titans.

Yeah. Totally either/or.