Mama Penguino

LOL!!! I love you so much! My 11-year-old says this all the time and I've just hated and hated it and am enjoying your comments with unbridled glee.

Stephen King, get on this STAT. I'm smelling a new mini-series!

Because the opposite of her telling you is not her reporting it, it’s her not telling you, or anyone else, and living with it inside of her like a sick secret. I hope you have never been raped and that you will never be raped because I don’t want you to ever know that feeling of hating yourself for being unwilling to

Not at all - thank you!!!

I think WP is irritable about the fact that people ran to buy the hoodie in much the same way that people all bought Ford Explorers after the OJ Simpson low-speed chase.

A million stars and points for this!!!

I would not want to watch the scene with Aziz going down on his girlfriend with my family, but that may just be me.

My favorite musical moment in 2015 came when my 12-year-old wanted to stop the radio station search at "Dear Future Husband" and I looked at her and she said, "Yeah, I know . . . the lyrics are horrible, but I like the beat." Sigh of relief.

I would rather wear a t-shirt with two fried eggs on the front than that hideous "tee" that consists of two big pieces of fabric with armholes cut out festooned with a Madonna circa 1994 corset on it. Massive FAIL, Beth Ditto.

From the Topeka paper today and thought of you:

God damn it. #notallkansans

Cannot believe you don't have at least one set of Jewish friends who do the "peace love and harmony" end of year card that is a thinly-veiled Christmas card acceptable for Jews. I was shocked the first time I got one. We're Jewish! We get to skip this crap!!!

Beautiful. Pinky promise!

I'm so sorry. I have the dubious distinction of being from Topeka, Kansas, where I have the privilege of encountering the Phelps clan every damned day of my life! Woe are we!

Except that people in Kansas think of people in Oregon as being extremely open-minded!

Not really. I lived in London for a time and was surprised by the rampant racism and blatant rudeness towards brown people. I noticed it and I was just a dumb white girl. I would venture that NYC, Chicago, L.A., you name it - hell, even Dallas (although not Tuscaloosa or Birmingham) and Tulsa - are more welcoming of

What if your friend offers to move the date of the event to accommodate you? This is happening to me as we speak and I thought I was golden because I was honestly going to be out of town for work. Help!

To my Jews, all the Hanukkah crap is on sale.

Team Brimley

Thank you for taking one this time. #notKansas