Mama Penguino

Viola Davis is the embodiment of everything that is right and true in the world. In short, I love her.


Jesus, yes. I mean I barked with laughter at that!

Do you remember The Ohio Players' "Rollercoaster?" Wasn't there a rumor that some of the screams in that song were a woman being murdered in the recording studio???

I do live in Kansas!!! :-)

Just came here to say the same thing!

I'll never forget the time "Ridin' the Storm Out" came on the radio and my brother and I (latch-key kids) thought the tornado sirens were sounding and we were rushing around trying to figure out what to do (no basement)!

“Time For Me to Fly" by REO Speedwagon. (I'm old.)

Yes, but we all know creation comes from those lady parts and as such, are welcome in our science textbooks.

They think she's the secretary to the Secretary of Agriculture.

The older I get, the more I appreciate a good animal picture! My kid rolls her eyes every time she sees me scrolling through Instaanimal. Probably the most hilarious animal account on there, though, is "this girl is a squirrel."

You are so right, but I will admit I soooo miss a good newspaper made out of paper. #inmyday

I love this woman and I'm sick of my Instagram (it has zero food pictures, I'll have you know), but I want to be able to stalk my 12-year-old daughter, so I post something innocuous every couple of weeks or so. Perhaps if Grace shuts down her account, I will, too.

How about the 2002 American Congress upset about their Freedom Fries?

Your knowledge of Islam is underwhelming.

I'm sure you did not mean to promote the comment to which you responded, and I know it's hard to just ignore such ridiculous ignorance, but the best thing to do with such idiocy is not respond to it; if you don't give these people any attention, they're more likely to stay in the grays and eventually go away.

Viola Davis = best dressed, most gorgeous, totally fascinating.

I love you with the energy of a thousand suns. My daughter (age 12) and I have come up with different replies depending on who the “Merry Christmas” wisher is. (We are Jewish and get very, very tired of this crap long before 12/25.) If you are someone who seems tired or oppressed, are working in a slave-wage job, or

I would be tempted to say, "I could never be that lucky."

Frieda Pinto.