Mama Penguino

We've never had a tree so mine doesn't know anything about it.

No harm done. Just bracing myself for the misery that is November and December in the western world. Trying to decide if I’m going to say “happy holidays,” “thank you,” or “I’m Jewish” to the million people who will wish me a merry Christmas.

Actually, no. Chanukah is a Jewish FESTIVAL, also known as the festival of lights. Chanukah is about a revolution against assimilation and the suppression of the Jewish religion and has sadly become the most assimilated, secular holiday on the Jewish calendar. In case you couldn't tell, I am Jewish. Again, it's not a

Meh. Chanukah is not even a religious holiday, just a minor celebration of some badass Maccabee dudes that's been blown up to compete with Christmas so Jewish kids don't feel like shit for the entire months of November and December. I'm giving my kid constant pep talks to get her through the shit-storm that is the

I heard that Martha Stewart called Merry Maids.

My daughter is 12 and considers herself fairly worldly and it’s true she’s traveled, has mature taste in art, books, etc., a super-cool 20-year-old cousin who she’s close to, etc., and probably even thinks she knows a thing or two about sex (we’ve had “the talk” a few times so she knows the basics), but I can say

Many hugs to you. It took me 30 years but I finally got over it; sure, it changed me in ways I hate, but it doesn't plague me like it did. Never give up. You are stronger than you know. xxoo

Right??? Let her talk about her conversion after she’s cleaned up a social hall after a Chanukah party, hosted an oneg, made blintzes for a fund-raiser, taught a Torah Tots class, or entered kugel in a contest.

I can't imagine any doctor's office being suitable for having a baby at work. I only asked due to your reticence to do anything outside your job description, which is thought to be typical of government workers and which is not always true, so my apologies to government workers!

Yikes! Sounds like a bad place for everyone.

Beautifully put!

Of course it's not callous, but when people are up in arms over a situation they've not even experienced, it is reasonable to assuage those fears with some evidence that it might not be as bad as they think. There is a considerable dearth of individuals with actual experience here. I haven't been rude, I haven't

Yeah, I had a feeling he'd walk.

That's on you, though. If that happened here, HR would be on that so fast. Sounds like you have a crappy workplace. Maybe you feel like there's nothing you can do or no one will listen to your complaints and if that's true, you have my sympathy!


Right?!?!? Our policy only allows the babies to stay until they are 6 months old so we're all jonesing as these kids get older.

I have no doubt there are workplaces where there is tons of unspoken tension and people don't feel free to complain. All I'm saying is that is not my workplace, but there are plenty of offices with doors and when I have the baby for a 1-2 hour time period, I have him in a carrier with lullabies on YouTube, my door

LOL!!! Please tell me you work for the government.

At first glance, I thought you said, "Perry, but there you have it," meaning you would do Rick Perry.

This is a group that feels completely free to complain about everything and anything (and do). The only grumblings I've heard have been that some people won't share the babies.