
I think I gotta agree with this Scott Miller guy. Puig did go WAY overboard when he smashed that dugout phone with his bat... oh wait, that was 16-year veteran David Ortiz? Never mind.

One of the reasons that sports exists is to provide a space where old white men can demand that young black men be forced to adopt their values. It's gross.

The Cuban Dismissal Crisis

Mattingly: Damnit, Yasiel, you need to show some plate discipline!

Miller, on Harper: Bryce eats the same meal every day — fluffer-nutter and peanut butter between three slices of white bread.

"And Harper jets off to join an Electric Slide line dance for the winter. Party on!"

"Coddling" here meaning "eventually banning someone who was threatened with rape"?

Fascinating. Even though I don't understand a thing.

Ahaha I can travel many times the speed of light!

When it is frozen.

I'm officially, ridiculously psyched about this thing.

Well the title of the article is literally "You'd Be Crazy Not to Buy Google Chromecast" so I figured I had to be missing something. Just making sure I wasn't.

Then you don't get it. It's like saying "I have a cheeseburger, what do I need that taco for?" You don't, but if you wanted to find a different option of filling your belly, it's out there..

Yes, they did, but they managed to do with this what Apple hasn't done yet. It made me want one. This looks easy and freed from Apple's restrictions. The funny part is, I have a Mac laptop, iPad and iPhone and still haven't even thought about AppleTV until the latest iteration. Now this comes out for a hair over 1/3

So now there is even fewer reasons why Apple TV should be $100, right?

Maybe but they did it one better because there's no iOS/recent Mac restriction and it's open to all comers. That's a win for everyone.

This would be nice so I can finally disconnect the 12ft HDMI cable from my computer...

That's actually offensive enough that someone may pursue legal action. If they use Bay-area lawyer Mi Su Yu, that station is fucked.

I'm moving to Louisiana to start a Wiccan school! Whoo-hoo!

I'm a Christian in Louisiana, who happens to be a Libertarian. But I seriously want to open a Buddhist school to just piss off all of the bigots that give Christianity a bad name.