
"OK, dude" also works.


i pay a flat $30 a month for 100 talk, unlimited text and 5GB of 4G data with my Pay As You Go plan. I buy a $60 card every two months and that way I'm never overcharged by schemes like this.

This article really hits home and you don't get why. This article is everything!

Haha!! This guy has been there.

This is good at the gym while on the machines or in class and you cant reach for your phone. If im bike riding and my phone is in my backpack I can just look at my watch. I check the time quite regularly and now I dont have to go into my pocket. Women no longer have to dig into their purses to find their phone. Its

Horrible opinion.

That would be your phone.

that comes later this year with the announcement of the new Nexus/Silver line

One bad taco and you lose it.

How about an effeminate gay man prancing around like Richard Simmons being the lead role? I want inclusion too, gurl!

That "some basketball guy" is Kevin muthaphucking Durant! (2014 NBA MVP).

Is there a bra upgrade offered to buy?

Mexico and US are my two teams!

Thanks for the Univision love. I tend to watch soccer on Spanish TV (Univision mostly).

Haha. That was me today.

Hey, cheapskate, you can buy a refurbed Wii U on the Nintendo website for $199 now. My friend did that and now is on MMK8 with the rest of us.

i bought a 5-port HDMI switch on Amazon and it switches between my Uverse box, Chromecast and My consoles. Depends which I turn on.

i just DL Mario Kart 8 around 5pm and its up and running. I can't decide on my free game though

"Sweaty"? Pretty disrespectful for some punk kid to describe Ballmer like that. Learn some respect