
Won't Christie just deny he knew about this, clean house a bit, and so this won't actually harm him in the long run at all?

Scott may be a douche but he earned my eternal respect just for that line alone. Seriously.

I see your point completely, but I think you do a tiny disservice to that point when you say that even if Kim gave away all of her $40 million, she'd still have Kanye's $100 million to fall back on. I don't think it's prudent of a feminist website to advise another woman to consider that she might be able to fall back

Not Steve Martin, please God no! How can the father of the bride be obnoxious?

It has more to do with good PR people and less to do with actual sexiness.

Aaron Paul is the equivalent of that annoying man/woman on Facebook who gushes about his/her partner in every status and oozes "look at me and my perfect life" insincerity.

I read this book so many times as a tween, scandalized with a flashlight under my covers. It ignited a huge VC Andrews collection that I hid from my parents. Good times.

Ha - I meant finance. What an apt error.

Okay guys, this may have been an ill-timed and awkward proposal from an apparent douchebag of a dude (has it been corroborated yet that he works in fiance?), but now Simone can fulfill her life's purpose, which is to make her man sandwiches.

Okay guys, this may have been an ill-timed and awkward proposal from an apparent douchebag of a dude (has it been corroborated yet that he works in fiance?), but now Simone can fulfill her life's purpose, which is to make her man sandwiches.

I was young and clueless about love but I never could understand how Jo turned down Christian freaking Bale - er, I mean Laurie.

I'm not sure you should be emphasizing Michael Fassbender's muscular arms, considering he has an alleged history of beating women. But okay.

Between Kevin Clash and this dude, Elmo is getting a seriously bad rep these days.

I don't buy it - if she really preferred to simply hang out with her kids, she could; she certainly has enough money to live comfortably without ever seeking gainful employment. She doesn't need to perform for her daily bread, but rather, because performing is all she knows and it's the adoration and attention that is

Isn't he like a good 8-10 years younger than her? Not that it's bad, necessarily (the bad part would be he's engaged to someone else), but as someone who is married to a guy 7 years older but still less mature in some ways, I always wonder about women who are with younger guys. This is not a hard and fast rule, but I

My husband didn't give me a ring until our wedding, as it's a tradition in his brand of Judaism not to until the actual wedding. I was a tad annoyed but was generally pretty ok with it, since I knew I was marrying a great guy (which is way more important). It was other women who got pissed off , when they asked to see

I met Tracey Morgan in a supermarket and he was really nice, and posed for photos with anyone who asked even though he and his girlfriend were just picking up groceries and probably didn't want to be disturbed. I've heard other accounts that he's kind of an asshole, especially to women, but he was nice to me that one

I generally think that rich people are entitled to spend their money as they like, which often includes crazy purchases that I KNOW would not make if I hit it really big, but $90,000 for a pair of sneakers is just...obscene. Like, I actually think less of her as a human being for having sneakers that cost that much

This was a very disturbing plot line (is there any other kind?) from a Nip/Tuck episode awhile back.

Can SNL be less funnier than it currently is?