
This wording is actually pretty respectful. Why would one have any desire to visit this separate enclave and purposely flout the wishes of its residents (however archaic you deem those wishes to be)? They’re not asking you to dress this way in Manhattan.

You say: "One could argue that the worst possible way to cover a march against religious extremism is to overlay your own peculiar brand of religious extremism on top of it."

A lot of them are also really buff from all that manual labor. Even taking a simple drive - with a horse and buggy - requires more work than a simple spin in a sedan.

I just went back to watch the Candy music video and holy crap, it's like taking a visual tour through a 1999-era Delia's catalog.

You and Claire Danes, maybe.

Huh. It's almost like American is invested in seeing a democracy in the Middle East amid a bunch of Islamic states that operate under sharia law and don't allow for free speech, freedom of religion, LGBT rights, empowerment of women, and all that jazz.

I can't fault a self-elected government which has in its charter explicit genocidal intentions toward Jews for "making do with weapons they can get"? Especially when those weapons involve encouraging a culture of martyrdom and suicide bombing among its own people?

Hamas was founded in 1987 with its genocidal intentions and grew increasingly in power until it won the election in 2006. But okay: how about the PLO's 1964 founding charter that states the entire existence - any existence - of Israel is illegal and null and void. Meaning, it didn't want any two-state solution because

The only reason some people are "crying" anti-Semitism in this current Middle East crisis is because it is always surprising how much the world cares when Palestinians are being killed by Jews but not by Syria, for example, or, you know, Hamas (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/0…).

You know why that's news? Because it's an ANOMALY. Hamas disregards human life much more often and on a more major scale.

This blog post itself is an unsolicited opinion (unless it was solicited by your editor). But what enrages me about all of this is that no celebrity mouthpiece seems brave enough to criticize the root of all this tragedy, and that's Hamas. It's easy to look at the horrific images of Gaza and blame Israel, but it's

How good of him not to preach genocide.

Perhaps you'd feel more of an urgency to the state of Israel had you been a refugee during/after the Holocaust and found no country to take you in.

Yeah, check out how much support Israel is getting in the media and around the world. Everyone loves Israel.

You're misinformed. Only one side gives advance warning to those sheltering militants so innocent civilians can flee for safety, offers medical treatment to those diametrically opposed to its existence, and regularly contributes humanitarian aid to countries across the world that are devastated by natural disasters.

I was terrified by this photo my son made, but then he explained he didn't like the mega-slide I forced him to go on with me at the kids' play center the other day. Oh.

Isn't that actually a perfect nom de plume for the author of that article?

I got this email earlier and wondered if they knew something I didn't.

I don't think it's your writing he'd want to review.

"You're going to need a bigger sack" is the new "You're going to need a bigger boat."