
I'm not bitter. But I'm sick of hearing about it, even if he couldn't care less.

I love when people are happy but I'm sorry, Aaron Paul gushing about his wife every damn day is making him look increasingly like one of those desperate posters to social media eager to construct a perfect-looking narrative of his or her life that actually gleams with underlying dissatisfaction and uncertainty. I'd

Oh man, I would REALLY love for Jay Z and Beyonce to address those Anna Mae domestic violence lyrics in Drunk in Love now. I'm even more curious now as to what could possibly have been their motivation for including that reference.

Oh man, I forgot to include how expensive kids are! I feel you on the daycare bills. But yeah: totally worth it.

Maybe I'm very naïve, but I am shocked at the vitriol in some of these confessions and by the number of responses to this article by people saying parents tell them how kids are annoying, exhausting, and impede your social life and don't have them and so on. Good lord! I understand people who don't want kids, sure,

I hate to even give the impression that I am at all agreeing with Bill O'Reilly on anything, but...I also think that Beyonce being given the title of Time's most influential person is bizarre. That a singer and dancer was given this title is probably more indicative of the ridiculous cult of celebrity that exists in

This looks like one of the most boring documentary ideas on earth. And I am a mommy who blogs and reads mommy blogs.

Not only are you not funny, you're also quite obnoxious. Bad combo.

That sounds like a totally normal meal to me...

You really don't think FGM and human trafficking are up there? We're not talking about making 72 cents for every dollar men make here (an injustice, yes, but not the best example of a human rights abuse).

You're not making it up. It's becoming a train wreck.

Actually, if you test positive for the BRCA1 gene and have incredibly elevated chances of getting breast and ovarian cancer, surgery is prudent and certainly "good medicine." Especially if you are over 35 and have children already (if you want them in the first place, and she clearly falls into that category). Also,

Julianne Moore and Ellen Page have such a big age difference it seems weird to me that they would be cast as a couple...BUT. I will take this opportunity to hawk another movie with Moore and a younger partner that flew so under the radar and was completely underrated and is just a brilliant, beautiful gem of a film.

When the PA has failed to leverage billions of dollars in aid to create more jobs, the BDS movement only harms Palestinians employed by Israeli companies (who pay them 2-4 times more than they would receive elsewhere). Maybe Scarlett actually cares about going beyond the basic knee-jerk response to vilify all things

YES! Doesn't do much good for the BDS cause when they repeatedly refute the belief that anti-Zionism is not actually anti-Semitism. It's a thin line and easily crossed far too often.

I think I totally missed a big news item, because didn't she insult him and compare him to Hitler awhile back? Why did he hire her for another one of his projects after that?

Re: the outrage over ScarJo and SodaStream.

Wages for entry-level workers at SodaStream's Mishor Adumim facility are the same for Palestinians and Israelis — and four to six times the Palestinian average. There's a lot to things to cry over in Israel, but SodaStream isn't really one of them.

Yes, because Electronic Intifada is your go-to source for a balanced, unvarnished, totally non-partisan view of the situation in the Middle East. Sure.

Called it! I am a Jewish Olivia Pope.