
are you joking, and joking poorly, or do you actually mean to say you've never seen an ultra-Orthodox woman? (i'd still find that hard to believe but maybe you just stay in tel aviv when you visit Israel or mean you never see...skin showing of an ultra-Orthodox woman?) the post's article is misleading but you DO know

Ironically, if that word is even applicable here, that girl was wearing a long sleeve-shirt and below-the-knee skirt, I believe. I think their issue was that it showed her ankles, or collarbone, or maybe that her shirt was multicolored. Not that spitting would be condoned if she was wearing pants or a miniskirt, don't

You have a a ton of nerve bringing up the Holocaust and also, seem to be missing huge chunks of modern Middle Eastern history if you honestly think all that's happened to Israelis since the Holocaust is some "posturing" from Iran. Also, why on Earth are you bringing up Muslims?

When did Israel bomb Gaza when the Palestinians tried to build a hospital? By "build a hospital," do you really mean, "launched rockets into Israeli territory?" By all means, though, please link to some articles where Israel bombed Gaza because of hospital-building attempts.

I was pleasantly surprised to get to the end of the article with nary a critical line about Israel.

Interesting enough, Israeli hospitals and doctors regularly treat Palestinians who state that Israel should be wiped off the map and Israelis should be killed, like the Hamas PM's brother-in-law, most recently, and potential suicide bombers. Israel also set up one of the first field hospitals in Haiti after the

"The Darlings" by Christina Alger was a good one, and I loved "Rich Boy" by Sharon Pomerantz. I highly recommend both.

I loved that book. I recently got on a kick of reading "rich people" books and most of them are great for showing you that rich people, a lot of the time, have such empty lives and are merely filling the void with meaningless things. Which I knew, but still. It helps ease the sting, just a little, when you look

As an Orthodox Jewish woman from the same Brooklyn community and general background as Meyer (I attended her alma mater's elementary school and my younger sister went to high school with her), I am embarrassed by her on both the Orthodox and female front. Orthodox, because I cringe thinking the larger society

I went there for elementary school and my sister continued on to its high school (I refused to attend and my parents caved...my first major victory using my moderate debating skills and my impressive recalcitrance). It is NOT modern Orthodox at all, despite the fact that many women have gone on to impressive

Chabad is totally free:) Of course it's Orthodox services, which is not everyone's jam, but it's one of the few - if not the only - Orthodox services that could care less if you yourself are Orthodox.

I don't think the fine is high enough, by a long shot. Owning exotic animals, unless you are trained for it and have the accommodations (not heavily populated with humans) adequate for it, is simply way too dangerous for people and unfair to the animals.

I had the same thought!

your mom sounds awesome.

That's horrible. I once made fun of a girl in elementary school for wearing tacky knee socks and glasses - not for a long time, and not anything vicious, just general teasing - but I still feel guilty about it, at 26 years old. Also, even if I didn't think it was vicious, who knows how it affected her?

Are you joking? A bus monitor is supposed to make sure kids sit in their seats and get to school safely, and address teasing between students. She is not supposed to have to defend herself from an onslaught of attacks, both verbal and physical, from a gang of students. It was a horrible situation that I'm sure wasn't

My faith in humanity keeps going up and down today...guess which direction this comment inspired in me.

I am crying watching this video right now. This cannot be typical of middle-school kids, can it?

It sort of reminds me of all the super-pro Israel Jewish people I know who praise Evangelical Christians who are also so pro-Israel, and then the people I know who tell them, you idiots, it's only because they think the Jews must return to Israel and the Temple restored before an apocalypse which will usher in Jesus's

Well, with friends like Donohue...