
Perhaps you shouldn't come to Jezebel for your science news. It tends to be a snarky site, overall.

I would perhaps agree with you but a closer look at Alice Walker's past statements about Israel/Jews makes me a little uncomfortable and a little wary of saying she is not the least bit anti-Semitic.

Plenty of countries have discriminatory policies and deserve heaps of criticism - why has Alice Walker only singled Israel out as a country where she prefers her book not be published in the country's main vernacular?

Yes, I love how when someone doesn't agree with your views - be they political, religious, moral, etc. - that person should be silenced. Because that's the way helpful and stimulating debate takes place and each side learns about things they may not have known about the other side.

I would tend to agree that sometimes, the dogmatic following of "outdated" religious laws does negatively impact the world, but I was curious because you used the example of the eruv (boundary/gate to allow carrying outside the home on the Sabbath), which doesn't seem harmful to anyone non-Orthodox or non-Jewish at

I'm married to a ba'al teshuva through Chabad, and while I have several issues with the faction, I can attest that it is one of the most welcoming, non-judgmental groups of Orthodox Jews out there. I am also frequently surprised by my husband's Chabad rabbi's rulings which are fairly more lenient than I'd except an

Can I ask what circle you are in? I am only asking because as an Orthodox woman myself who has relatives/friends in the ultra-Orthodox community, I still find it hard to believe that a rabbi in the ultra-Orthodox community who understands the issue at hand (early ovulation before mikvah) won't find some way to get a

It's necessary to get permission only if you believe in the laws and believe that rabbis are the only ones who can make "heters" (roughly, allowances, licenses to find loopholes in laws). Obviously, it's only "necessary" to get permission if you believe you are not qualified to make a heter yourself... even if you

Wow, sorry us Orthodox Jews annoy you so much with our attempts to uphold tradition in modern society that don't really harm you in any way.

Wow, glad to see SO much has changed since my bubbe escaped Hungary in the 1920's before World War II...

ehh, your mom got off easy compared to Jennifer Connelly.

your empathy is admirable...not everyone has the 5k (no matter how meager it may be to you) lying around to invest in school, not to mention the time.

A major reason why EDs develop is due to an out-of-control fear of facing body changes, like puberty, and life changes, like a parents' divorce or high school/college, etc. Though it's not often talked about or as much as adolescent/young adult issues are, I think it makes perfect sense that older women, facing body

That's exactly the comment I made in my letter to the editor that I felt badly for after the fact, which caused me to reach out to apologize and which started a dialogue that made me dismiss any lingering suspicions that it was somehow satire. The woman truly believes what she wrote and is sticking to it.

There's no prohibition on having the boys meet the girls themselves, and I wish I was qualified to accurately explain all the intricacies and ridiculous manners of the "Orthodox shidduch (match) world" to you, but suffice to say it the system is riddled with problems. In many cases, mothers "screen" potential girls

I married one!

I had a letter to the editor published the following week where I included a snide comment personally attacking her. I felt badly about it, because I am a nice girl or just a sucker, and reached out to her to apologize. She said, and had a reply back to my letter to the editor in that same issue, how attacked she felt

haha he's single and looking...are you sure?

I spoke to the author and no, it was not a Purim prank or satire in any way.

I would love (hate?) to inform the Jezebel community of the original article that "inspired" Dr. Michael Salzhauer to offer free nose jobs for those in the dating and marriage market: