
I'm sorry, did condoms suddenly become 100% effective against STDs? I really don't understand what was wrong with my hope that anyone with an STD informs sexual partners beforehand. I'm not saying to stigmatize them, just to have them practice safe sex and let sexual partners know of something that can very well

Do you mean financial support by family support? It's true in a lot of the Hasidic and more Orthodox communities, but not so much in the more modern circles (although, admittedly, parents helping their children financially is definitely more acceptable if it's possible, across the board). If you mean family support as

Why not? My point about young couples committing to each other and going on to have healthy and flourishing marriages is not unique to my immediate community, but, as other comments attest, occur throughout the world.

I applaud this woman and hope it sets a legal precedent, if morals don't work and all, to compel people to inform any potential sexual partners of any STD they might be carrying, so the partner can make an informed decision about condoms and anything else beforehand.

How is three years "a little while"? I really dislike these "overly concerned" posts because conventional wisdom says you should be at least THIS AGE to get married, and know the person THIS AMOUNT OF TIME. Many Orthodox Jews like me got married at young ages after dating our spouses for only a few months, and I see

You're speaking to someone who has seen Toy Story a ridiculous amount of times.

Seriously, I get she's really unintelligent but how could she not see the major flaw in her argument against abortion by citing cool people whose mom's didn't abort them? Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot...the world would be a much better place if these people had never been born. But yeah, Steve Jobs was born and then he

This is not funny or clever enough to be satire...I think it's just a really unintelligent person trying to sound cute and smart with her whole shtick of "Checkmate, pro-choicers." Her arguments make little to no sense.

Despite the fact that Le Pen, who has rather abhorrent politics, may be legitimately called a racist, it undermines the horrific atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis when anyone ascribes the term or the imagery to someone other than an actual Nazi.

I believe Brightspark only bought it up as I did elsewhere, in defense of her beliefs and many of ours, in response to the extremely negative tone of the authors' article when they discuss this idea. Obviously, the authors, and you and other fellow Jezzies, are free to think this practice is antiquated, and even ugly

How are they judged more harshly for committing the same sin? Taharat mishpacha requires two people to tango - if both don't listen, they are both doing something "wrong." I'm just curious what you mean by ine being judged harsher than the other.

Please - I remember being thankful if I had time to take a shower after my son was born. Keep me posted, when you can!

Because we disagree with them on this rally, and many of their religious practices toward women, we should disrespect their religious sensitivities with regards to physical contact with women other than their wives in return? I'm not sure two wrongs make a right here.

I'm also a fairly religious Jew, fairly religious because I not only love the culture of Judaism, especially the holidays, but also grew up with it so it is so entrenched in my idenitity it'd be hard to part ways with. I'm still figuring out what I believe in religiously, and I definitely have my issues eith G-d (I

you're right - men are actually commanded to intimately satisfy their wives, which obviously recognizes they have needs. sex is actually encouraged in marriage as well, even when it is not solely for procreation, like between pregnant women and their husbands, for instance.

Brilliant. Utterly brilliant. And on a Monday too.

Men are actually forbidden from spilling seed for a purpose other than creating life (except when their wives are pregnant) so even if they're not "put in isolation" they do committ a sin.

That's one of the big reasons I think these right-wing yeshiva principals and rabbis are doing a giant disservice to their students, and themselves, when they don't allow questions to be asked of them by their students. If students had the freedom to ask questions, even about uncomfortable topics, they wouldn't be "in

That's probably because news outlets have to be objective when reporting, not editorializing, and Jezebel doesn't need to be.