
That's ok, I understand (totally) where you're coming from. I never planned to be "that frum" either, but then I love in love with this great guy who happens to be a ba'al teshuva super-excited to follow the whole Torah to the best of his ability. So...you know, life and all. We're trying the best we can.

I kind of wanted to punch him too - I still struggle with his strict interpretation of the law, especially when most of our peer group and friends are more modern and apathetic about the letter of the law, but I couldn't ask for a better father for my son or a better husband in a lot of ways, so I count myself lucky.

It's more in her press tour and interviews that I've found she denigrates Judaism as a whole - her appearance on The View, and bolstered by Barbara Walters and Joy Behar (who also bantered with Susie Essman about how ugly ultra-Orthodox women are), for instance.

I don't know if Nishmat had representatives at the asifa - it wasn't an asifa on the specific evils of taharat hamishpacha, so I'm not sure why Nishmat would, more than another Jewish organization, send representatives. I was merely responding to the authors' negative tone about it.

As an Orthodox Jewish woman, I have read a lot of articles about the ridiculous Internet "asifa" (rally) but this one, from my favorite blog, disappoints me with its overall tone and implications.

He seemed okay but he spells his name Jef. For some reason, that annoys me. As does his haircut.

Well I never thought about it much until now but we've been bombarded with Megan this season, way more so than Peggy or Joan. Perhaps they are trying to make us all invested in her (and I believe many of us are, despite her well-attended pool of haters - and hate is a strong emotion besides) before they kill her off

Comments on TMZ, YouTube and FOX News sometimes make me lose my faith in humanity. It's like the scum of the scum of the earth all post there in some online convention of giant losers and truly mean jerks. It also makes me afraid to think of the type of people we probably interact with in real life but don't know it.

Is she really so "brave"? As her friend pointed out, it's not like she's going to be a starving artist and she doesn't need to make it acting to make a decent living and pay her bills. True to herself and her dreams, maybe, but brave?

But would Jane being killed off really affect viewers? I feel like she's such a non-entity on this show...she's not at all compelling as a character and is played by a pretty poor (if completely gorgeous) actress. Who really has connected with JANE as a character?

A few reviews called Henry out for not being supportive, but I kind of loved that he continually reaffirms that he loves Betty at every size. I thought it was really sweet. Also, is a bite of steak really going to derail Betty's diet? Doesn't Weight Watchers encourage a few treats now and then?

I thought this episode of Mad Men was more obvious than it usually is, and the meagerness of the portions was another example of the general overkill nature. We get it, we get it, she has restrictive portions because she's doing Weight Watchers...but really? A dollop of stuffing and three string beans?

It's hard to keep thinking Lea Michele is a giant diva after seeing photos of that adorably charming and relatively modest house she bought. Not to say it isn't still likely but it's hard to keep thinking it.

I also thought that was really weird. I suppose there are some people who might like to eat a cup of plain hummus but for most of the population that seems like a very weird and not-particularly dietetic suggestion for lunch (for an article advising people on how to lose weight).

I actually love the Saved by the Bell feature. Props to whichever mag hack came up with that.

The fact that this man says such horrible things is upsetting, but there are always crazies who espouse terrible beliefs and ideas in the name of religion. What's more upsetting to me is that the people in the congregation - which must have included some parents - laughed at this. I would have loved to read that a

Holy moly...I attended, for a time, a private Jewish university that I thought had pretty conservative and strict rules in place, but far from "arresting any homosexuals who set foot on campus" (how is that even allowed/legal!?), it recently hosted a panel for gay members of the Orthodox community on the campus that

Ok, enough - when are people in Hollywood going to stop hiring Linsday Lohan? How many chances or attempted comebacks can she have? It's so unfair; she blows every opportunity and seems completely unprofessional with every chance she gets. Meanwhile, there are actual legitimately talented people - the "nobodies" -

But it might actually be perfect, because each one understands that Kim is most important to herself, and Kanye is most important to himself. Neither one will bother with putting the OTHER person first, like in most relationships. As long as they understand that and support it, these two crazy kids could actually make

Well, she IS like ten minutes out of the womb probably (judging from her not-cleaned-off goop as of yet) and is already being asked to perform on camera - can she really be blamed?