
It's hard to tell what she meant, but what I got from it is that because she has this experience and awareness of people struggling to afford food, she chooses to buy less into other industries promoting ways of losing weight - like the diet industry and pharmaceutical industry - and just eat less food, which doesn't

I LOVED America's Next Top Model first season and then really liked the next four or five. After that, the show just degenerated into the incoherent and bumbling mess it currently is. It's hard to out my finger on why, exactly, but the biggest thing to me is the quality of the women. They used to be somewhat

Don't forget his vaguely Muslim-sounding name.

With each headline and accompanying story I read about these two pathetic characters, I cringe a little bit for the day when their daughter discovers how to use Google. I sincerely hope she gets a lot of therapy to have a chance at becoming a well-adjusted person.


Plus, I'm pretty sure that's how this song suddenly and mysteriously became so popular in the U.S. all of a sudden...talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Thank g-d for helpful husbands...best remedy I've found for a clogged milk duct.

Debauchery and douchebaggery - not just for whites anymore!

Good luck with that.

I was obsessed with this song for like ten minutes, but mostly because I first heard it while watching Glee a week or so ago. I thought Darren Criss and Matt Bomer did a great job with it. Then I found a Pentatonix a cappella version of the song that I also really liked.

At first glance, Klum looks very similar to Cindy Crawford. Almost eerily so. I also always thought she was a natural blond...maybe because she's German? That's a little embarrassing. Clearly not everyone from Germany has blond hair.

That is an amazing statement, and also a great talking point against those who think the idea of universal healthcare is completely without merit. When you put it like this: "So...you're saying it's a good idea to have a healthcare system in place where the richer you are, the better healthcare you get?", those who

As a recovered anorexic, I agree with you that thinspo sites don't "cause" anorexia - but they DO harm sufferers of eating disorders greatly by providing further ammunition for their disorders.

Errr, a lot of people become crankier with age. Racism is usually something that was present long before, though. Either way, racism from young or old people needs to be called out and reprimanded.

It really scares and upsets me that the Mel Gibson I loved watching in Braveheart and The Patriot and a bunch of other stuff is actually this reprehensible person with disgusting beliefs.

He isn't the first person in Hollywood to call Gibson out for denying the Holocaust.

When did he apologize sincerely? I believe he sent Rihanna a text message a few days after the assult apologizing (totes the kind of minor thing one uses texting for!) and then, in every televised appearance on his remedial press tour, he looked extremely uncomfortable speaking about it and accepting responsibility

For some reason, I re-watched Boys Don't Cry last night, out of nowhere. I'd seen it before and thought it was great, but I have no idea what possessed me to re-watch it last night. On that note, this post is very appropriate.

Who cares about vanilla ice cream, this will impact cookie dough ice cream too!

That is pretty cool. Has he done anything since Titanic?