
Wouldn't Arizona, and other more conservative states, block any covers of naked ladies, not just pregnant ones? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but I don't know if their thought was the pregnant belly was too lewd to be seen, just the nudity.

I don't think words can express how much I loved this movie. I was only 9 or so when I saw it but I think I experienced my sexual awakening that day. (Though as an Orthodox Jew, I waited much long to actually act on that.) I married a singer, so I guess I've stayed true to my original love of men who can sing.

A toss-up between Jack Kelly (I know, original) and Spot Conlon.

I narrowly avoided getting a Pap smear on Tuesday and am planning to bring a printout of this to my next doctor's appointment. I mean, I'm all for getting one if it ensures health and all, but holy speculum, am I sensitive there. I automatically clamp up, which of course is the worst thing if you are getting a Pap

As someone who has been on a Jewish dating site, that is simultaneously hilarious and icky.

Some doctors suck and say ridiculously hurtful things. When I had anorexia as a teen, I remember one renowned doctor checking me out and as he was going, said, "Well, you're not the worst one I ever saw."

I've been lucky in that I have always had pretty great therapists. The only one I can think who was less than ideal was a graduate student training at the hospital I was in for anorexia, and even then, she wasn't horrible, just kind of clueless and, well....perhaps she should have pursuing a different line of work.

39?! Holy fountain of youth.

I don't know what Madeleine Stowe does or eats or whatever, but she looks so amazing. The woman is 53, people - 53. She is also deliciously evil. She makes the whole show. Well, her and Nolan.

I get that because they're on television, they're kind of fair game, but I don't get the author of this post's critical tone. Isn't the whole idea of being pro-choice being pro-women making choices you wouldn't necessarily agree with, but who are no less crazy or bizarre than you because you've chosen something more

Um, no. I said it was in poor taste to say what you said about anyone, except maybe Hitler. Then you started asking me how I know he won't turn into someone like Hitler.

I wouldn't want to scare my 14-year old self by writing her a letter with all the knowledge and life experience I have as of now. Let 14-year old me obsess over THAT guy carefree for a couple more years and think that will be the biggest issue in my life. If only...

It really trivializes the Holocaust and Hitler himself if you honestly think Rick Santorum is anywhere near Hitler. I think Santorum has odious and horrific politics that could endanger women's health and underrepresented people, and he says incredibly stupid things, but he's nowhere near Hitler. He has a daughther

This article is solely about the case and fertility laws in Israel. It says nothing about giving the country a giant seal of approval merely because they are a progressive society in a lot of ways. Not sure why you had to throw that two cents in there.

That's a disgusting thing to say about anyone, except maybe Hitler.

Seriously - I expected childbirth to be painful, but I had no idea about the world of boobage pain that comes with your milk coming in, nursing, and going too long in between feedings/pumping sessions.

After I went back to work my son didn't really want to nurse from me anymore, and I pumped all my milk. That's why I pumped when I "could have" nursed.

That is mortifying. I'm a pretty modest person (though I wish I felt comfortable enough to nurse in public - it would make life a lot easier) and when I traveled with my breast pump, I was embarrassed when the agents merely held it up to examine its "safety". I can't imagine having to pump in one of those airport

My son is a little over 2 years old now and I love every single stage. I actually loved the infancy stage. The cuddling, the baby smell, the adorable little fingers and toes and onesies.

There are numerous sources for it - one being that G-d wants a Shabbat to pass before a milah is performed, the Shabbat being a testimony to the fact that G-d created the world. Once the baby has experienced the holiness of Shabbat, he is ready to accept the milah, the covenant of G-d. A more kabbalistic