
I'm an Orthodox Jew, and my son was, customarily, circumcised when he was 8 days old. I was definitely more hysterical than he was - he yelped for like 4 seconds and was then given a cloth with sweet wine to suck on. He was just fine after that.

I moved to Jersey almost a year ago and haven't warmed up to it yet, except for now, knowing this law exists there. Welcome to the Garden State, and G-d protect you should you inadvertently cut a driver off if you take a few days to accustom yourself to driving around town.

I hope she gets better and is really on the track to good health, but I doubt she's going to be at the Oscars anytime soon. The only time I thought she might have some talent was in "The Parent Trap" and that was a really long time ago. "Mean Girls" WAS great, but I thought Lindsay was the weakest link in the movie.

You mean some of those idiot clueless guys you knew in high school actually grow up to become federal judges?

Reading how she raised the chimp was like watching a train wreck you know already happened, with catastrophic results. I also have a really negative view of her, and did not feel bad for her when she had to kill her beloved to keep from killing her friend. Him, maybe - he was a product of his environment, but that

Ever since I read "Travis the Menace" by Dan Lee in NY Mag, I cringe at photos and articles on chimps, no matter how cute their babies are. That terrifying (but extremely well-written) piece of journalism has actually turned me off from most monkeys.

Thank you - between Jezebel and my in-person support group (and my husband - him, too), I've found a lot of comfort. I cannot imagine when women had to go through pregnancy losses before there was such visible, public support for it.

Amen. I wish you a stress-free and easy second pregnancy.

I have a really hard time understanding or empathizing with these women - after I gave birth to my happy and healthy son over two years ago, I terminated a pregnancy I very much wanted this past summer because the fetus had a fatal chromosomal disorder. Then, I had a chemical pregnancy. Now I'm very early in my

I love libraries in any way, shape or form, so this story fills my heart with joy. One of the greatest days at work was discovering a utility closet that I thought housed lightbulbs and whatnot actually houses a lending library of assorted books for employees.

Yes to everything here, except I also think Rooney Mara should have gotten some kind of award. I thought she was really brilliant as Lisbeth, and all the other actors did a very nice job too.

Respectfully disagree, plus it was the nicer of the two comments I had in mind in response.

What would be a better organization to be a sniper for? A non-Zionist terrorist group?

You're new here, aren't you?

you're new here, aren't you?

I actually got back together with my ex, we got married, and we have an amazing toddler. I think we turned out pretty well so far!

I believe I love you.

How do you "accidentally" eat a cookie?

I'm eating chocolate right now, and thought I started before I read this post, I now dedicate my snack to "The Berenstein Bears and Too Much Junk Food." Classic.

Except I cringed when he made the Jonah Hill/cupcakes if he loses joke. Because Billy Crystal is usually so celeb-friendly I was really surprised he said that, plus it felt like it came out of nowhere. Jonah definitely looked like he did NOT appreciate it. Did anyone else catch that?