
Whoops, sorry. Didn't see all the resolution of that mistake. Julie Bowen seems pretty honest in her interviews - so does Kate. Maybe that's why you confused them - it's a rare thing on the red carpets:)

Hate to burst your Kate Walsh-love bubble, but you're thinking of someone else - Kate Walsh doesn't have any kids.

I am generally not super-pro plastic surgery or anything, but of course it's easy for Kate Walsh to criticize other actresses who get work done on their faces. It's like she gets more freaking beautiful as she ages! The woman is stunning. And you know what they say: people in gorgeous alabaster-skinned fiery-haired

From what I've read, they learned about Gabriel from a routine 20-week sonogram and then delivered him as a stillborn because his wife had a life-threatening infection. I anhor Santorum's stance on many issues but I'm just curious as to where you got your facts, since I'd want to learn the real story.

As as 25-year old who is insanely excited for the premiere of The Lion King on ABC Family this Saturday night, all I can say is: loooooook at the cute wittle wions!

As someone who eschewed a career in journalism for one in the safe confines of a PR office, this woman has my utter respect.

I'd be interested in hearing if the situation with his daughter, Isabella, who has Trisomy 18 and who, at 3, has lived way past the time most doctors thought she would (50% of babies with Trisomy 18 are stillborn, and less than 10% who are born make it to their first birthday), influenced his current thinking at all.

How many people must have okayed this ad before it was released to the public? I could see one person making the stupid mistake that this ad was sensible, but from my short stint at a PR firm, I know that's not the way it works. More so for a huge company like Levi's. The fact that multiple levels of employees signed

100 percent agree. I hate when people/websites make such a blanket statement that everyone must only admire and like and support people who agree with our political views (most of the time it's assuming everyone is a Democrat or thinks that liberalism is the only "cool" political viewpoint). I don't choose my friends

That's a great idea too - I've heard about those before, but never thought of survival kits for people aside from the kids. I kind of want to mass market the idea of "airplane survival kits" and make a ton of money from it, but have no idea how to go about it. If someone suddenly comes out with this in a few weeks,

A really banner year so far for teachers and cops...two populations who are supposed to nurture and educate, and serve and protect. I guess there have always been stories about horrible cops through the years, but I can't remember another time when so many disgusting stories about teachers came to light.

He was so young in the"Run It" video. Dodai, this is a great and eye-opening look at everything that has transpired since he first came to fame.

We just had a whole conversation about this in my carpool (three parents, including me, and one dude who loves order and rules and hates messes, and has called newborns "footballs with arms and legs") this week. Anyways, the consensus from everyone is that it's annoying, but understandable, and the parents especially

Wow....horrible. And he sent Rihanna a TEXT MESSAGE apologizing for beating her nine days later!? Obviously that is not the most horrific part of that report, but I wonder if he ever really apologized to her, in person. I'm old-fashioned like that - if you want to tell someone what time you're getting home or send a

Jealousy is just so attractive in a woman.

I don't know what's more upsetting...the hateful reactions to this woman's tweet or how many women tweeted the exact same thing she did.

Because the answer to violence is...more violence? I abhor what he did but I think his fame fading into obscurity is a more apt punishment.

Because the answer to violence is...more violence? I abhor what he did but I think his fame fading into obscurity is a more apt punishment.

Chris, is that you?

Chris, is that you?