
So heartened by the celebrities who were confused by or mocked Chris Brown's performances at the Grammy's. I think the guy is truly talented, but I also think anyone who beats up a woman and then goes on the faux-apology tour, complete with hissy fits every time someone asks him about it, does not deserve such a

Oh my goodness, is it really you?! Take it as a compliment - your skin looks flawless in that photo. You don't usually see such skin on a teenager!

I'm oddly grateful that she's 19, because when I first saw the photo I thought she was 12. She looked like a little girl playing dress up at first glance.*

Ha - when I went to private elementary and high school there were numerous discussions and seminars on whether to allow students to wear Gap and Old Navy sweatshirts because they were elite items that caused us to have brand name-competitions (as much as we could with our uniforms, anyway).

Duh - everyone knows ladies have no place working anywhere or on anything related to humor.

I agree it is too sensible for the average American psyche. It's like people need a system of points and rewards, food "values," etc. to really dive into a healthy eating plan. Maybe it makes it more fun for them?

This makes me feel much better about the Chinese food I am planning to purchase, and then consume, at lunch. Thanks Jezebel!

So Rick Warren has hit upon the biggest way to make real money: convince the American people you have a foolproof diet plan. Honestly, it's nice that people are becoming healthier, but I don't think they needed the "Daniel Plan" or any other plan, for that matter, to do it.

It amazes me sometimes when I'm watching her late-night show on E! - she basically reads off the teleprompter and doesn't even try to look natural or sound funny. It is so bad.

I want Rooney Mara to win, because not only was she amazing in Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, but she was so visibly uncomfortable on the red carpet at the Golden Globes, and it was such a refreshing change from the other 98% of preening and prancing celebrities there (re: especially Piper Perabo and Lea Michele, who

Pretty sure this is not for money - Emily's fiance was a Hendrick, of the super-wealthy Nascar Hendricks, and she's not wanting for cash. I suppose you could make the argument that one could always use more cash, but I highly doubt that's the case here.

Glad I read the comments first because I was about the post the same thing. Home Alone 1 and 2 are among of the movies I look forward to each year around the holiday time.

I've been married for three years and knew my husband a year before that. We have a child together, and I love and trust him 100%.

I wonder if the people who write such crap things online would say the same when cofrotned with it in real life - one the one hand, they are ridiculous and stupid enough to write these things, which they ostensibly believe, so who's to say they wouldn't be as ridiculous in real life? On the other hand, maybe people

Biel is so inconsistent - sometimes she's amazing, sometimes way off the mark. Tonight she was extremely far away from said mark.

How come no one has said anything about Shailene Woodley's dress? I thought it was one of the best of the night - absolutely stunning. Am I the only one who likes it?

Exactly - I told this guy he was being ridiculous, and dismantled his illogical thinking, in as polite a way that I could. Now I'm stepping away.

I'm pretty sure Katy Perry's dad's apology was motivated by some PR person or to lessen the negative backlash, not out of pure realization that his sentiment was just oh so wrong. Still, I suppose it's better than the half-assed apology from David Cross, who didn't actually apologize to Jewish people, but for the fact

Ugh - a FB friend of mine posted this story on Facebook and some idiot guy actually commented on how awful it is tht there's "anorexic" models in the photos, but the plus-size model is even worse, because she's encouraging women to "be lazy and get fat". Here's another gem: "A "real" woman is not meant to be 25+ lbs

I usually think she's obnoxious but her tweet tonight was awesome.