
Why are racists always idiots? "It's a historical sign" is her best argument?

I think it's very wrong to exclude female OB-GYNS from this conference, but I also know it's probably more for modesty reasons than because Puah doesn't think female professionals are qualified to speak. A lot of more right-wing Orthodox speaking engagements/community programs only have male speakers since it is

My husband sings at bar and bat mitzvahs and refuses to sing "Sexy and I Know It" when the 12-year olds ask him for it. I thought he was being a little dramatic, but then I saw pre-teens dancing sexily and singing lyrcis to Pitbull and Usher and there is something vaguely unsettling about the whole thing. And those

That's insane...and nobody called him out on it?

It's a double-edged sword, though, in a way - as much as I want to discuss it and be open about it with some people in my life, I also know that it invites stupid comments that make me wonder how this woman is my best friend or how this longtime friend said such an asshole-y comment. At my support group, we have a

Wasn't there a Law & Order: SVU about a creep paramedic who sexually assaulted patients in his ambulance? This must be one of the first times life imitated an SVU storyline.

MeMe Roth is right - cucpakes ARE dangerous!

As someone who suffered a termination for medical reason and a miscarriage, it does help me feel less alone when somebody openly talks about his or her own experience with loss, be it a peer at the support group I attend or a celebrity like Jay-Z.

I went with my husband and another couple and I was the only one who thought it was awesomely awesome. Glad to have some company!

My husband was actually terribly upset by that scene, though I thought it was an essential part of the film.

I am a super motivated, Type-A person, but for some reason, I become really lazy in the bathroom and cannot must the energy to replace the toilet paper roll. I like your resolution.

I'm just glad there's no Kardashian on the list...there's hope for humanity after all!