In Yogi's defense, his people are idiots. This is why it's important to train your bipeds well.
How about they axe it and just turn Geek Love into the mini-series it deserves to be.
Yeah, I can't muster up any vitriol at this point. She's an addict with a shitty family and all she has surrounding her are yes men (and women—Dina, I'm looking at you). It would be difficult for someone with an actual support system to overcome addiction and grow the fuck up but with the group of assholes she's got…
If the victim is trying to drag her into a legal and social battle that she has no legitimate ties to, she is well within her right to call the action out as "irresponsible". She is trying to stay out of it, and was pulled right in. Saying "fuck her" for calling out someone (anyone) for a high school-esque,…
I have to say, I'd be rather taken aback if my name was tossed into an open letter written by someone I didn't know about her molestation. Johansson worked with Allen. It's not fair to expect that she is now required to weigh in with serious opinions on a 25 year old accusation just because she acted in his movie. I…
I'm gonna be that annoying person who defends the unpopular opinion.
I guess caring about the welfare of your own child doesn't mean you'll care about the welfare of anyone else's, even if similar, horrible things happened to them?
Come on you guys - why should she be forced to have an opinion about this? why can't she be allowed to stay out of it and want her work to be separate? It's just all such a mess and we'll never really know the true truth. It's not our business! Unlike many others in the news for their sexual crimes/perversions, Woody…
Bonus method: Know anything that he doesn't know. Literally ANYTHING! Even if you are an expert in a particular field and he's never even so much as read an article in a magazine about it, you telling him something he didn't previously know and/or confronting his misconceptions with facts will cause his balls to…
I understand that no matter what my opinion is, she's still successful and famous, and I am also no expert in photography, but does anyone else just feel like all of Annie Leibovitz's spreads look kind of the same? They all have the same lighting and tone and expressions to me.
She's incredibly talented, but belief in Scientology and awesomeness are mutually exclusive, IMO.
Anyone who tells anyone why they have specific tattoos, or tattoos in general, is a tool. Even if they're asked about it. FYI, this is coming from someone with tattoos.
I actually have ultrafine tweezers in my lab that are amazing at grabbing really small things. The only problem is they're also ridiculously sharp, and I've torn quite a few gloves on them. I don't imagine it would end well if you gave those things to the average person and told them to use it on their face.
I love how the adults are all polite, picking pieces off, and Gladys just walks up and LICKS the cake. SHE LICKS THE CAKE!
Sorry, I didn't see the bubble only what looked like part of the new Blair Witch film.