Justin Thoroux, styled by Jacob the Jeweler.
Justin Thoroux, styled by Jacob the Jeweler.
Oh my sweet baby Jesus that is horrifying! Thankfully I loathe Tom Cruise so it's no loss, but I'll now spread the gospel! Sorry about Gos, it had to be done.
I loved the Baby Goose for many years, and my affection for him was rivaled, but never overcome, by Hiddles and Fassbender. But then last week a Jezebel commenter noted how she thinks Gosling's eyes are too close together. Once you see it it cannot be unseen. Gosling usurped.
Justine Sacco, is this you?
He goes by "Dup0ntCircle," the depths of what is wrong with him cannot begin to be explored.
God bless America. Or should I say 'Murica. Fuck yeah indeed.
For me it was always a Sophie's Choice of terrible when encountering students from either Brentwood or Crossroads. It would be hard to choose if you only had the one bullet.
When you get your gift are you going to throw it on the ground? You know, cause you're an adult.
It's like watching kitty Silkwood.
It's like watching kitty Silkwood.
Just when I thought I could not love him more, between the tales told by Charlie Murphy and Kevin Smith, came Questlove's epic tale. I have been spreading the gospel since summer. They can play "True American: Jehovah's Back" edition.
A Olyphant sighting should never lead to dissapointment. I watch anything he's in when it's on tv; which means, thanks to FX, I've watched Hitman more times than anyone should.
Everything needs more Olyphant. And John Noble. Always. All the time. Tom Hiddleston can come too.
I'd be happy with a 30 minute short of him and his older lookalike Timothy Olyphant shirtless wrestling.
Here you go. Doesn't get more reputable than the Daily Mail!
You wouldn't have Dachshunds by any chance? Two of my three dog babies are Doxie sisters and they LOVED to eat poo. I found out after I got them home that Doxies are notorious poo eaters. I blame their German heritage.
I think it's totally what being, healthy, and ingle in your 30's is like. At 32 I realized I was so content in my life without a SO, loved my friends, dogs, house, etc, despite my increasing post-graduate school underemployment. Just stay in that feeling and don't get derailed. I pulled the classic female life crusher…
Yes, that is what I said. You are right.
From my understanding of the term "first gen" it refers to the children of those who immigrated into the country. And my whole family calls that generation "first" and the rest of us "second." So yeah, huh. Perhaps defining generations in Asian culture is as diverse as dialects?
After reading through some of your other comments I can see you are very upset about race, in particular how it impacts caucasians. Sorry that the minorities out here in the world keep speaking out and having opinions, starting dialogues. So to cheer you up, I decided to include a poem that might remind you of "better…
First gen refers to both the people who relocated and to the children they have in that country, so first generation American.