She is hilarious and amazingly feisty!
She is hilarious and amazingly feisty!
I LOVE THIS! Already sent to the mom.
I completely agree! I have always thought that the stereotype could be based in traditional Asian culture (hell, most cultures) where in public women were subservient to their husbands, male family members, etc; whereas in private the women ran the household. At least that is how my Asian grandparents were, for the…
Despite me explaining, repeatedly, that my mother was a first generation American born and raised in NYC, my ex would repeatedly ask if she "sounded Chinese." He would follow the question with his imitation of a Chinese accent and then lol at his comedic genius. When I finally told my mother (you tend not to want to…
You have no idea. I would tell you about the time a conversation about his, equally insane and irrational, hatred of foods containing any type of fish or ocean product almost led me to punch him in the face; however, the Jezzies would track him down and kill him for what he said. I'm sure you can figure it out.
I just thank God the young Mr. Hanks is still unimportant enough he isn't often mentioned. If he were it might add fuel to a friend's already insane and irrational fire, and I would be forced to endure even crazier rantings. My friend has an irrational hatred of Tom Hanks, like a cray cray level of hatred. Let me…
Oh my God YES! And if you live on the East Coast, let me recommend the Edy's Slow Churned Smores. Something both divine and delicious occurs when those graham cracker bits are mixed into ice cream.
Ha ha! I was scrolling through this list with interest, getting myself all excited (internal squees!). And then I remembered, I'm poor. Whomp.
Vodka?! Oh you and I will be just fine.
I know I'm hard to resist, oozing my se-suality all over the place. It's why I've had to lock this shit down.
How To Survive Holiday Breakup Season: Step One. Stop entering into relationships involving love or sex with other people. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I understand your point. I guess I've had experiences I would never have imagined happening so I tend to believe the worst, but you make a good point.
It is surprising, but anti-Semitism still persists all over. One of my father's "best" experiences as a newspaper photographer was when he was in a small town in the South, Tennessee I believe, and was covering a local story. His presence was big news in town and so when a local came up to him at a diner in town…
The majority of men I have dated have been terrible drivers. Angry, slow, distracted, road raging drivers. But I avoid driving with others most of the time; driving my own car allows me to leave whenever I want. Independence is hard to give up.
Done. They fired me today. Over the phone. So there's that.
I said exactly this yesterday. RIP Baby Goose.
No, it's a black penis in dickface.
Yeah, but were these guys there?
I wore clogs all my years as a pastry chef, so I understand your argument. They were ugly as sin but they were comfy and kept my feet safe from the occasional dropped pot, knife, falling drunken coworker. You know, normal kitchen stuff.
You had me at confidentiality agreement.