
I didn’t realize that there was a package of white privilege that Asians and white women should also be entitled to that includes shooting black people without consequence. This sacrifice language is problematic.

This is why as a black woman, i sometimes look at white women and say I have nothing in common with these people aside from a vagina.

Hmm, keeping your hands up while being tasered. People are so heartless.

It doesn’t smell funny, it is what should be happening in every case, and are you suggesting that this murderer is being discriminated against because she is a woman. Serious. Feminism is for white women..

This is not the time for this. This was the same sick argument used when Liang killed Akai Gurley in New York, why are we pressing charges against the Asian cop when black people get killed by white cops all the time with no consequence. This argument makes me sick, at the end of the day, claiming that women should

She seemed more sad to me rather than sending shade.

Let us wait till we see the show. A TV show has a writing staff so it will not just be Spike’s voice. There are several amazing black women writers writing for the show. I imagine their voices will be reflected in Nola of today.

Just googled, you are right. Its really noticeable too.


You should not get flamed and if you do, they are wrong. Skin lightening is a big deal and happening all over the place. Gabrielle Douglas is another exhibit. Although I want to leave poor Gabby alone.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Were you there? Please, your so called victim has a warrant out for her arrest, surprise, surprise. When the story unravels, we shall see. Please continue with the name calling.

I am no fan of Chris Brown. However, this woman story stinks like yesterday’s fish, she TOUCHED the jewelry and he pulls a gun.....hmmmm really, or rather you tried to pocket the jewelry and then he goes HAM. I have no sympathy for Chris Brown, he is a moron, however, there is something off about this woman’s story,

Thank you for saying this. I was like one of these persons is not like the others.

This piece incensed me to no end. I am Nigerian-American and the patronizing, offensive tone of this piece made me a little crazy over the weekend. Where does one begin? Even if her entire story is true, giving it the benefit of the doubt, this singular Africa that underlies her entire story no longer exists, and in

Does anybody remember Suede , a magazine so tragically and prematurely ripped from my eyeballs? So tragic.

Oscar Issac is following the Sir Ben model to great success.

The single most annoying thing to me about white privilege is that the default human being as constructed in the popular imagination in this country is a white person. The fully realized lives of the rest of us is so rarely seen on-screen. We really don’t exist unless we are attached to a white person (see the Magical

Ummmm.....it’s the thinking of your country men and democrats ignore this at our own peril. I campaigned for both Gore and Kerry, so I didn’t contribute to Bush’s win. I will hold my nose and vote for Hilary. That is your country.