
We also haven’t know Bernie Sanders on such a public stage for the last 30 years or so. Why does it matter? And her supporters can reject the question outright if they want, but she has a problem as a candidate and us democrats have a problem, we have a candidate that is not likable, and unfortunately we live in a

It is awful that there is no room to express really serious concerns about her presidency without being accused of sexism. I am a black woman who for the life of me do not understand why black people continue to support her and her husband, who have done nothing but throw poor black people under the bus at every

But is he wrong? What does she do for fun? Brooks is annoying, for sure, but it is an important point. It is a point of connection and aside from making millions from speeches, what does she do?

Yes!!! At one point Johnny (that’s what I call Goodluck Jonathan) said some of the girls have been found. Totally false, also worth nothing is that Boko Haram has been using girls as suicide bombers and whether or not, these girls are from the Chibok group, nobody knows. There was one arrested before detonating a few

So there is some context required, the girls were kidnapped about 5 months before the presidential election and President Goodluck Jonathan (who frankly brought very little good luck to the country) decided that the kidnapping was an effort to discredit him and his presidency. So they did nothing for almost 5 days,

This disaster so embodies everything that drives me crazy about my country, Nigeria. The complete ineptitude of our prior president cannot be overstated in how this has been so botched.

He also looks ridiculously good. Met him about a year ago and couldn’t get over how good he looked. And told him so, asked about his skincare and he looked at me like I was nuts.

These shaky pictures are no bueno. They are making me sick. I feel lightheaded.

I started Busayo, a small brand using African prints and I will admit that fit is a challenge for me and often I make larger pieces and they are the last to go. I think also, for a small, independent brand, with a small band width, it is a challenge to make the the entire range of possibilities, I have resolved it by

What movie is this from? Have to watch!!!

You smarty pants are trying to interpret gibberish... hilarious.

Umm, was just going to dump my insanely expensive, totally unaffordable super fancy gym to join them, but now they cost the same. Can’t do that now. Was getting excited too.

Thank you! Look at the protests over the sentencing of Peter Liang over the death of Akai Gurley. I mean the main thrust of the argument from Asian protesters, was that Peter Liang is being scapegoated cause he is Asian and white police officers get to kill black people with no consequences and thus, we deserve the

I am still baffled by James Baldwin’s place in the American cannon and so excited to see this piece. This man understood and presented America’s race conundrum better than any writer in the history of this country. More people should read him. Shameless plug - The Fire Next Time should be required reading for every

SF has become such a soulless annoying place. Its sad really.

What is actually gross about what he said... in the context in which he said it.

And we never saw him again well on Lost. I kills me that the lack of diversity is preventing audiences from seeing amazing, interesting, dynamic performers. I love Naveen and would love to see him in more stuff.

Thank you! I am like how does JLAW capture the diversity and range of human experience. How does she make sense in Joy. She is too young. Was Elizabeth Banks unavailable?

Is this a serious comment? Who else is speaking about this? What is wrong with him speaking on this? Someone we take this identity politics business too far

The outfit is hideous. Just hideous. The whole thing...argh, and I LOVE HER.