Please. The jury is out on Khloe on this one sorry. Let's see what the Kardashian machine does with real human tragedy. I feel for his children, and him.
Please. The jury is out on Khloe on this one sorry. Let's see what the Kardashian machine does with real human tragedy. I feel for his children, and him.
Let’s not get carried away, fear of home invasion in the South African context also translates to fear of black people CANNOT be a sensible defense to shooting into a bathroom at night when you are in a home with your partner. Please, this ish made no sense, never did and never will. And it is interesting how white…
This story is extremely sad, but not sure I get the sympathy for Khloe here. Let’s see, the man paid this very wealthy woman $12 million in a divorce settlement, and he is literally unemployed shortly thereafter, where is his money coming from? Folks need to be careful who they marry and whether they will think…
Having Tyra stopped believing in you is probably a good thing. She was ridiculous.
Isn’t that interesting?
OMG.... that is hilarious that you said that. No, it’s not a Uncle Ruckus quote BUT I have been bingeing-watching (like triple watching the Boondocks) and I might have totally channelled him. That is so weird, that was the first thing that popped in my head when I read this piece.
That part of the piece is so heartbreaking, you did nothing wrong!!! I hope his parents can shore up his spirit and self-esteem.
DO....NOT....STARE....AT.....THE.....WHITE...GIRLS... don’t you know they are precious. Welcome to American, home of the free, and land of the brave. That is all.
Also, ladies, the Sephora classes are the truth, they are free and despite all the Youtube videos, I can finally contour and put on my lashes with confidence.
I am obsessed with the Cure Natural Aqual Gel product for exfoliation, no whiteheads heres thank you very much. I think it works brilliantly. Skin care is a religion here. However, I have been reading some haters suggesting that the gross stuff peeling off your face is actually the product not the ickness living…
This seemingly fringe strategy should be taken very seriously. History will show that it is an effective strategy to quelch any form of resistance to white supremacy that doesn’t reek of docility and forgiveness. From Malcolm X to the black panthers were all tarred with the terrorism label in an effort to marginalize…
The ANC (God bless them) were actually fighting back and in our finite wisdom and fear of communism we deemed them terrorists. Let’s not give Tyler too much credit.
Thank you!!!!
You are comparing Tyler with his little raps to Gerry Adams, IRA member. And this is intellectually honest, how? . Again the difference between Mandela/Adams from a first amendment perspective is that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist. I am an African woman and unfortuantely at the time, the U.S.…
Well Eminem is also not black. I know its uncouth to bring up this unpleasant elephant in the room but one cannot divorce it from this issue. Amen to the person above who noted that progressives and feminists are increasingly resembling right wing nut jobs in their antics. I dont listen to Tyler, however he has every…
Not sure the list of names that you have offered is comparable, all of these people excluding Yusuf Islam actually did something that caused their visa to be revoked. The notion that we can deny visa based on thoughts and art created is absurd. The drug use histories of Amy, George, Nigella is what cause the denial…
I wonder if she was suffering from mental illness, or drugs or maybe she was abused as a child...
Being white must be nice. Oh the luxury.. to be able to engage in such behavior without being summarily executed.
Thank you. Cause all black people sound the same.