
I had a 2015/16(?) Town and Country rental a few weeks ago. I found the traction control cancel option in the option menu, but having it off didn’t seem to make much difference. It certainly didn’t make it a burnout machine (and I tried). If you rev’d it out it pulled decently on the top end, but I thought it was

Hopefully the next piece is a tape of the Russian hookers.

Does EF12 mean anything interesting?

Just wondering - If the DOJ decides to charge Trump with a high crime and sends Federal Marshals to serve the arrest warrant, what does the Secret Service do?

I have mixed feelings about this. I live in the Milwaukee area and can’t wait to see him leave. I hope he can do less damage in whatever under secretary position he is going to.

As a lazy student, I would have taken the easy route and submitted 127 blank pages defending the anti-Gay marriage position. To paraphrase Michael Corleone: My defense is this: nothing!

The right wing nut jobs love to attack people on the left are “libtards” and incompetent at everything because they haven’t devoted their lives to profiteering. At the same time they accuse the “liberal media,” presumably run by “libtards” of manufacturing this whole crisis for the Trump campaign. I wonder how these

I would typically guess that the out-the-door cost would be lower for the Focus than the GTI. However, with VWs recent issues, are there any decent incentives on a GTI? How willing are VW dealers to negotiate on price at this point?

I was thinking more like a backhoe in the middle of the night.

A good chunk of the right would be ok with his killing puppies if they were liberalpuppies. Similarly, they would cheer if he were to run down a bunch of protestors. In reality, divulging secrets to our enemies or intentionally damaging the countries security are not of concern to the GOP. However, if he were to

My response to these Clinton murder conspiracies is to ask, “How is Anthony Weiner still alive?” If they were going to kill anyone, he’d be at the top of their list.

Barely realized its existence is more than I can say. I never heard of it and I’m likely the exact demographic it is supposed to appeal to (middle-aged white guy with kids).

Was wondering the same thing. Because a proverb could have been created yesterday doesn’t make it less of a proverb.

The Democrats need to really start pushing the point that the GOP is NOT the party of morality that they have made claims to for years. It has never been more obvious than now that the GOP demonstrates immorality in nearly everything they do. Certainly there are the one-issue anti-choice voters that will vote GOP no

Well actually dude, you (and the guy above you) are the only ones talking about a body lift. I’m talking about strut spacers.

I’d like to hear the engineering explanation of how a 1" spacer would degrade the performance.

...early Friday afternoon, MSNBC had Clapper on to explain, once and for all, why Trumps tweet is dishonest.

Even without any potential trade disruptions, I can’t see why it would make sense for Great Wall to build in the U.S. They could probably find a niche selling cheap trucks and SUVs in the U.S, but I don’t know that it would ever amount to much more than a niche. The U.S. market generally demands vehicles with higher

I don’t think NP or CP are really appropriate here. It is likely priced somewhat too high, but not crack pipe too high. It seems like a pretty typically used car listing - the asking price is more than they are hoping to get, but want some negotiating room.