
With cheap fuel prices right now, hybrid and electrics are not big contributors to corporate bottom lines. Not being a big competitor right now is probably not the problem with Ford’s profit flow. That said, Ford has been investing in a big electrification project over the last couple years. They have a ground up

Yes - Escalade. Nobody should talk about Cadillac sales and transaction prices without talking about Escalade. As much as the ATS and CTS are great cars, their sales numbers are not great. The more likely reason for increased transaction prices for Cadillac is that lower priced ATS/CTS sales have crashed while high

I heard from one of the Mad Media guys on a different site that they hoped to use the video from the drone crash but the crash killed the drone before the footage got permanently saved. They are out one expensive drone and got nothing. Bummer.

“Partially” corrupt? That is a pretty generous choice of adjective. I suppose, by definition, that could mean 99% as well.

They painted up the street in front of my house a couple years ago and also placed some flags in my yard near the street. I was never given any explanation by whoever put them there. I diligently mowed around them for a month or two, but then got annoyed by having to trim around them so I mowed them up to teach them a

I hate it, but I think it is priced reasonably. From the photos it is in nice shape and it will stand out at a car show. The price seems reasonable if you are looking for something unique.

When I read through the transcript of this interview earlier, my first thought was that if I were Dickerson, I would have just gotten up in the middle of it and walked out. How much bullshit does on have to listen to before you just say - “F-it, if you are not going to even attempt to legitimately answer any of my

and to be extra, extra sure, I recommend they start above the neck.

short track ovals around the country have had similar types of events for years on the ovals. The action lasts a lot longer with the oval track versions as they have lots more cars and run multiple laps.

It sounds like the GOP has decided that Flynn will be their fall guy. They will dig up everything they can on Flynn then throw the book at him so they can claim they were doing a thorough investigation of the Russian ties. The story will be it was just that Flynn guy that was a bad apple and we punished him. No need

Now playing

The air force also does a great job going the other way and air dropping Hummers.

The last time I was pulled over for speeding I still had my work ID pinned on to my shirt. My employer issues a very official looking IDs. When the officer came up to the window, he started talking, then started fumbling his words and spit out, oh, what department do you work for?I told him the departmentI

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Too bad there wasn’t video of the moped chase. I’ll just have to imagine that it ended something like this.

Certainly not in all aspects. The Hondas did better with NVH issues and had better interior feel. But from a fun to drive perspective, the Mazda based Escort GT/Tracer LTS were better. Back in he day I had both an Escort GT and an Escort lx-e (4 door Escort GT) and had friends with Civics, both stock and ‘riced.’

In the early 90s there was a LTS version of the Tracer that was a nice driving car. I was a 4 door Escort GT. That era Escort GT is pretty under rated. They had about 130hp and weighed in under 2500lbs, making it a nicely tossable little car. They were really a better car than the Civics of the time that everyone


Sounds like you have a reading comprehension/or math problem.

That is the way I would go as well. The article suggests, no questions asked, that $44/mo is a good deal for an additional $8k in options, so you should get that one. However, that is a faulty assumption if those options are unnecessary, unwanted, or worse, make the car unenjoyable for a particular driver. Further to

I like my shade and I like my headroom. I have a sunroof in my car now and have never opened it and the shade is always closed. I once had a car that didn’t have a built in shade so I cut out cardboard and taped it to the inside of it. I’ve rejected lots of cars when shopping solely because they had sunroofs. I ended

....kinja fail...