
My take on the Italian vs. Polish. I personally will go for the Italian every time. However, the best use for a polish is when I need to serve a bunch of boring eaters, like my kids and their friends. A decent polish sausage is a nice step up from an Oscar Meyer wiener and I can pass them off a polish as a fancy

I think the M3 scenario is a poor example. What is it that the extra $8000 really gets me? Some appearance or high end paint package that I have zero interest in? Some bullshit sunroof or nav package that I wont ever use? At the end of my lease I dont have an extra $8k in my pocket, in fact, I have $1600 less in my

I don’t personally have any interest in this, but that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize a reasonable deal when i see one - NP.

Thanks but I have one. I wouldn’t have thought of that but those sprayers are designed to work with fairly thick latex paints so they probably work for these dips nicely.

It looks good. Did you use something like a Wagner Power Painter?

There are a couple right-wing, ex-military supervisors I work with that claim to feel some significant level of disrespect if someone were to wear a hat in the office on say a Saturday morning. We’re not military and we’re not a church. That said, I’m sure they are cool with these douchebags wearing the hats around

Yes, warm jello brain is the worst.

Good collection of articles here. Thanks for the write-ups.

Would it be possible for a missile equipped aircraft to fly at wave-top height up to a relatively close range without being detected before launching its ordinance?

Around here $1200 buys you a POS that likely has fist size rust holes in it and blows smoke. Anything less will have parts dragging on the ground under the car. I don’t have any particular affinity for 5000s, but it runs, drives, and isn’t a rust bucket so NP.

Anybody know how much a professional spray job like this one costs?

The reality of FCA is that they didn’t/don’t have the capital resources to invest in a long term strategy to modernize their entire fleet. They decided to use the capital they had to improve what they could afford and maximize short term profits. The long term strategy is to look as healthy as they can to get someone

I was subjected to a few minutes of the Fox News morning show last week at breakfast at a hotel. They were talking about how only crazy liberals were still interested in seeing Trump’s tax returns. They were going on and on about that information being irrelevant to anything and, of course, one of the idiots through

Madmedia, the group that produced this, were the ones that produced the first three of Ken Blocks Gymkhana videos. They​ also are the guys that run the Mint 400 and produce the TV coverage for that race. I always look forward to seeing whatever they come up with.

I watched through all the credits hoping to see the footage from it crashing. Nothing.

Another thing that clashes is all the farmers that supported Trump and his anti-NAFTA rhetoric probably don’t realize that U.S. agriculture has been one of the biggest winners under NAFTA. American farms (other than vegetables) have become very efficient with mechanization, bio-engineering, and with modern fertilizer

The other part of this that is disturbing is that a foreign leader was able to get Trump to do a 180 after a 10 minute conversation. Mr. I’m-the-greatest-negotiator-in-the-world seem awfully easy to con.

but the police actually do real police work from time to time. If they can narrow the make/model/year down they can run a list of matching vehicles from DMV, look for ones registered in a given radius, and cross check the owners names against names of people with priors or that might have some connection to the victim

I like that nuclear missiles are categorized based on their rage level. Learned something new today.

Definitely a dog. Its body language says it was a very happy dog that wanted to play with that deer.